Lions come roaring in with support for County hospital
Administrator | Jun 01, 2018 | Comments 0

At Friday’s presentation of support, Wellington Lion John Whyte, Lion Kathy Marchen, Foundation Director Barbara McConnell, Foundation Vice-Chair Fran Donaldson and Foundation Executive Director Penny Rolinski. Briar Boyce photo
CHEERS! from the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation who were roaring with delight Friday morning when the Wellington District Lions Club presented $1,000.
This contribution will be directed toward the PECMH Foundation’s current campaign to raise $289,724 for equipment needs in the County hospital. This year, the Foundation is focused on securing medical equipment for most of the departments and is asking for public support.
“Every year, we need to ensure that the Regional Endoscopy Centre at Prince Edward County Memorial has the scopes it needs,” said Monica Alyea, chairperson of the PECMH Foundation. “Also this year, we need a new stretcher for ultrasound procedures, a ventilator for the emergency department, a vital signs monitor for use when patients are transported to other hospitals, a monitor for pediatric and neonatal patients and infusion pumps.”
Other devices slated for replacement include wheelchairs, stretchers for the endoscopy and emergency departments, and lifts used to move patients safely in and out of bed.
The Lions Club gift today will help bring this vital equipment into our hospital.
“The Wellington Lions support many community causes and our Hospital Foundation appreciates being included in their initiatives,” Alyea said. “The Foundation plays a critical role in providing funding for essential, specialized equipment. Your dollars go a long way toward improving care for residents in our community who need treatment, close to home. Thank you to those who continue to support our fundraising. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference in the care you and your family receive.”
Filed Under: cheers • News from Everywhere Else
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