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Lisa Lindsay new manager of community centres and events marketing

Lisa Lindsay will join the County’s management team on Nov. 14 as the new manager of community centres and events marketing.
The new position will focus on promoting the community centres as appealing venues, and overseeing the management of any events that take place.
“This new position will allow the County to rethink the way we have been marketing our facilities” says Susan Turnbull, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Finance. “A renewed focus and a Manager of Marketing will allow us to maximize the potential of these centres to
work as financial assets for the County”.

Lindsay’s known for managing the Prince Edward County Marathon for the past nine years and overseeing the resurfacing of the Lakeshore Track in Wellington. She also managed communications for the Prince Edward Minor Hockey Team, and holds the position of vice-president of the Prince Edward County Hall of Fame board of directors.
She sees the position as an opportunity to showcase the high calibre facilities and dedicated staff of Prince Edward County.
“I am excited to be a part of the development of a new and improved approach to facilities and events where no opportunity is passed by,” she said. “I am committed to developing and supporting high-performing, cost-effective and customer focused initiatives”.
Lindsay will  be working out of the Wellington and District Community Centre, benefiting from a transition period in which she will work collaboratively with Andrew Morton, the County’s Manager of Facilities.

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  1. Barb says:

    How are these 2 folks from the north going to fare in their new positions? One is parachuted in and bumps out a local. Another is supposed to promote the community but is not from the community that even ressembles PEC. Seems like a recipe for an unhappy move for both of them.

  2. m york says:

    I agree and two years is an awful long time to wait for change not to mention the cost of those two years. If council would do what they were voted in to do then we probably wouldn’t be in this position of keeping our fingers crossed that we won’t go broke or our services won’t continue to be cut. Council just needs to be accountable for their choices and it still is a sickening feeling that they allowed someone from where the CAO came from Sioux Lookout to be hired here. This to me seems to be a huge conflict of interest on the highest level,especially with the position he holds and the control he has. You can’t tell me that no other person was suitable for this position either here or Napanee, Belleville,Trenton,Deseronto or even Kingston etc., etc., This is what continues to be an on-going problem in this community and as long as council/Mayor/CAO agrees to it, things will never change.

  3. Louise says:

    Apparently this council has approved merlins contract and has given him full authority to do as wants, I do not see much hope for change unless we get a new council in two years. Hope they do not spend too much money before that–money we do not have

  4. m york says:

    Mark, This is not the only place people are voicing their concerns, finally people are seeing and feeling for themselves exactly what has been going on. Maybe if the pressure stays on and more people come forward with what has been going on we might then see something done.

  5. Mark says:

    M York;

    The County website removed Linda’s name from their employee listing yesterday. Guess someone reads Countylive!!

  6. m york says:

    Mark, I so agree… And what has been written on here lately has been fact based on what the newspapers/County website have reported. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then guess what its a DUCK….

  7. Mark says:

    I think quite a few do indeed through years of experience know how a good sized organization is to be run. They know from that experience when things are amiss. Others are way to quick to heap praise and way to quick to dismiss a history of incompetence and unprofessional management. I certainly hope that the voice of the citizen/taxpayer expressing valid concern is not suppressed.

  8. Nelly says:

    I have to laugh when I read the comments on this site…someone says that the new dump manager is from Terrace Bay, where the CAO is from…neither of these are correct. Another says that Neil Carbone is a friend of Merlin’s…I have lived in Sioux Lookout for a number of years, and this is not the case either. Don’t people have anything better to do in PEC than make up stories and complain about something that isn’t? You live in a beautiful part of Ontario…go out and enjoy it…life is too short!

  9. Gary Mooney says:

    I’m disgusted at the repeated criticisms and insults being heaped on County government by a few people on this site. And to make it worse, the main offenders appear to have zero understanding of how a good-sized organization should be run. They appear to be echoing the views of a few disgrunted employees, past or present. This incessant carping is destructive to the reputations of all, including the complainers themselves.

  10. m york says:

    Louise, Linda was not replaced by someone from the North (Mr. Morton) he is from here but held another job title something to do with running venues for the arena’s etc.. The man, Neil Carbone that was hired from Sioux Lookout (North) was hired for a new mngt. position here can’t remember his new title. He worked at the same municipality the CAO did ???? And you are 100% correct worse then ever…

  11. Louise says:

    I do not understand why the CAO was given full authority to hire and fire as he wants. I understand Linda was a capable employee and she was let go to make a placefor someone from the north who could not do the job he was hired for.
    There were a couple of councillors who did not vote to give Melin all that authority but i guess they are stuck with the majority who did.
    Instead of reducing the size of council, it sounds as if we might as well do away with all of them since they cannot make important decisions. If they are just there to rubber stamp Merlin and I understand they do not even do that–they are the last to know about his decisions
    What a mess we are getting in–worsethan it ever was maybe

  12. Taxpayer says:

    Lisa sounds like an excellent candidate. She will have her work cut out for her to try to balance revenue streams with the cost of keeping all these County buildings open. Concerned about where my tax dollars were going I delved into the numbers on the county website one day and was surprised by how just how far above and beyond user fees it costs to maintain the arenas alone.

  13. m york says:

    So I just went on the County website and the man’s name is Neil Carbone and he comes from Sioux Lookout its right there in black and white. Hope this clears up any misconceptions.

  14. m york says:

    Marnie, Its in the newspaper when he was officially introduced as well you can go to the County website as it came out last week on their site.

  15. m york says:

    Louise, Linda did NOT step down and Mr. Morton replaced her. Council is aware of how individuals are being hired/fired and that it has been a tainted process for sometime but refuse to investigate??? And things have been made worse by them giving the CAO full rein of the hiring,firing,promoting and demoting as he see’s fit, no explanation necessary. So why wouldn’t he hire someone from Siux Lookout he can,so he did??????

  16. Marnie says:

    Mark I simply asked how you can say with such certainty that something underhanded took place. How can you possibly know what factors might have influenced what happened? Personnel matters are usually discussed behind closed doors. Were you a fly on the wall?

  17. m york says:

    Marnie, The dump attendant was let go and replaced with Andrew Morton. His job previous to this was overlooking the arena’s etc. Many complaints on how this was being run/not run so he got to be the new dump attendant(Linda’s job)
    The person who came from Siux Lookout (where the CAO came from) was hired for the new promoting the County job(not sure of the title I believe it was Community development) however it was announced PUBLICLY in the newspaper. This is why so many are so angry… So the county has been publishing this information (seems foolish to me)

  18. Mark says:

    Ok you believe everything is on the up and up. If you believe that you don’t know how Shire Hall works! Linda is still listed as Waste Management Supervisor on the County website. How unprofessional is that after her legs were cut off? Same old.

  19. Marnie says:

    In fairness, how can we know the inside story regarding the county’s personnel matters? Usually, this sort of information is confidential. I don’t think it is right to assign blame without being aware of all the circumstances. It’s hard to imagine that someone was abruptly dismissed just to make way for an old buddy from back home. Who moves that far to become a dump attendant?

  20. Louise says:

    Brian did linda step down on her own or was Andrew hired to replace her?

  21. Mark says:

    A process to assess and determine staffing requirements was needed but I fear that process was poisoned by picking and choosing at will who went down the road. If you don’t smile right that may have been enough. There is still duplication in some areas and it is obvious some were protected and or promoted while others were axed. The staffing review should be open, fair and based on sound reasoning and criteria. And if someone is no longer employed their name should be removed from the County website. That is just respectful to former dedicated employees and the highly praised Commissioners should know better. If they can’t show that kind of professionalism I doubt if the culture issues at Shire Hall have improved.

  22. m york says:

    Marnie, I too agree with your comments. Ya they do let go of the good,devoted employees in order to try to fix many of the underlying problems. However as I and others have stated time and time again nothing is going to get repaired when they keep the same people (at the top) which they have done. If there are problems than you should start at the point where the decisions are made and checks are signed because these individuals are the decision makers. They are the ones who tell the workers what and where things need to be done, right or wrong. Things have been spiraling for the past year and will continue to do so at a very fast pace until Council opens their eyes and becomes accountable for their decision making.

  23. m york says:

    Brian, I absolutely agree with your comments. I have a really hard time with more employees being hired out of town and worst yet, friends of the CAO. You can’t tell me that the municipality has no good people to hire or even neighbouring communities. This has left a bad and uneasy feeling towards many upper mngt, I believe it goes to show that things are not being done on the up and up.
    On another note did anyone drive by Church St. yesterday? I don’t know if it was a main break or not but there was one County employee working on it and a private company. So is this the municipalities way of thinking (contracting out) if so get ready for a huge increase as taxpayers. We have many good women and men that work here lets stop taking away their jobs that they are more than capable of doing and givng the money to others it makes absolutely no sense. More and more businesses are closing up and PEC is not making things any easier for them by sending our tax dollars out to other municipalities????????? I truly believe that the horseshoe at Shire Hall is half brain dead (my opinion).

  24. Marnie says:

    The situation you describe is common these days Brian. Employees who have done a good job for several years are let go and replaced with others who often start at a lower rate of pay. They deserve better treatment than this. However there is also the need to recognize that for whatever reason people no longer stay in the same job for 50 years and get a gold watch. They may need to reinvent themselves several times in their working years. In some ways it is not a bad thing. It’s a chance to learn new skills and meet new people. Like it or not it is the wave of the future. Most employers are not notoriously loyal these days.

  25. Brian Conway says:

    There is gain in the hiring of Lisa. But there is huge loss in the termination of Linda, the wonderful woman who supervised the County’s waste disposal. She led by example. For six years she has been a hardworking, smiling presence at the County’s dumps and transfer stations every Saturday.
    As a woman in a job often held by men she showed that the County is an equal opportunity employer.
    It is ironic that the present shakeup in our local public service, which started with a customer satisfaction survey, has led to the dismissal of Linda who is the model of superb customer service.
    Her replacement Andrew, a man hired from northern Ontario (we seem to be getting recruits from the north, now that we have a CAO from Terrace Bay), has powerful shoes to fill. His first actions on the job, which has caused confusion at the dumps over brush disposal, does not bode well for his success.
    Bring back Linda, who embodies the friendly face which we want in our County public service!

  26. Mary says:

    Proud of you Lisa. You will be the best. Congratulations!

  27. Linda says:

    Fantastic News. The best person for the job!

  28. Shirley says:

    Fabulous choice! An energetic, experienced, knowledgeable and forward thinking person! She will continue to do great things for the County!

  29. Gloria says:

    Lisa congratulations. All the best in your new position. No doubt you will be great. Take care. Gloria

  30. Nancy says:

    Wonderful choice, the county got it right. I can’t imagine another person more suited for this job. I have enjoyed working with her in the past and look forward to the same in the future!!

  31. Vic Alyea says:

    Lisa will set a high standard worthy of copying. An excellent hire!!

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