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Lloyst named interim hospital foundation director

Hazel Lloyst

Hazel Lloyst

Hazel Lloyst has been named Interim Director of Development for a six month period at Picton hospital.

Leo Finnegan, President of the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation announced today that the board has appointed Lloyst to the position, beginning Tuesday, Jan. 21.

“Hazel has an extensive and very successful background in fundraising in the not-for-profit health care field,” said Finnegan. “The board feels fortunate that Hazel is available to guide our fundraising endeavours for our County hospital.”

Lloyst, who is currently a part-time professor in the one-year, post graduate Fundraising and Development Program at Loyalist College, will work in the Foundation offices at PECMH four days a week. Along with a career background in the securities industry and human resources management, she has spent the past 14 years involved in and directing fund-raising campaigns for organizations in the fields of health care, archives, performing arts and education.

“Being born in Picton and having family ties here in the County, this new position allows for a great  homecoming’ of sorts.  I am thrilled to be joining the PECMHF as the Interim Director of Development,” said Lloyst. “My most immediate goal will be to ‘pick up the beat’ and push the current $237,282 Telemetry (heart monitoring) Campaign over the top. We have already reached the half-way mark and with the community’s support, I’m confident we can do it.  I am totally committed to ensuring that our hospital continues to be the Cornerstone of County Health Care.”

As Campaign Manager for the Loyalist College Capital Campaign, Lloyst oversaw the goal of raising $6 million in donations to support the Sustainable Skills Technology and Life Sciences Centre. During 11 years with the Belleville General Hospital Foundation she excelled in significantly increasing donations, raising more than $31 million through major gifts initiatives, planned giving programs and for priority medical equipment.

Born in Picton with family ties in the County, Lloyst is well known in Belleville as the former owner of the local office of Drake International, a human resource management company. In 2005, she was named Belleville’s ‘Business Woman of the Year.’ She was the provincial appointee to the Belleville Police Services Board over a six-year period and for a year and a half served as president of the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards representing 100 boards located throughout Ontario.

Previous work experience included eight years in the securities industry working as an account executive and stockbroker for two multi-national companies in Belleville and Ottawa. During this period, she was seconded to the Bank of Canada where she worked as a Canada Savings Bond specialist. She also served as admissions coordinator and Campus Dean for a private business college. She holds a Certified Fundraising Executive designation from CFRE International. The CFRE credential was first awarded in 1981. In June 2013, the CFRE became the first recognized credential for fundraising professionals.

The PECMH Foundation is in the midst of its annual campaign to raise funds for priority medical equipment for the hospital. This year the campaign goal is to purchase an urgently needed telemetry heart monitor for hospital inpatient care. To date, through generous donations from County residents, more than $120,000 has been raised – just more than half the amount needed to enable the purchase of the equipment.

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