Looking for Baxter Building history
Administrator | Feb 16, 2012 | Comments 0
Do you have memories, stories, photos to share about the Don Baxter Memorial Building in Bloomfield?
It is now being converted into a creative place for the arts by a group of local businesses and individuals under the Bloomfield Centre for Creativity.
For many years the Baxter Building served as a cafeteria for the Baxter Canning Co., located across the road on Stanley Street.
If you, your relatives or friends have memories, stories, or photos of the Baxter Building, the canning company itself, or the Baxter family, you could help record the history of the former cafeteria building.
We’d love to hear from you. Please call 613-393-2575 or e-mail me at bjmcmullen@sympatico.ca
Thanks, Barb McMullen
Filed Under: Letters and Opinion
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