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Millennium trail closure/detour in Wellington as water/sewer pipe construction begins

Work on construction of the new water and sewer pipe trunk project begins Monday, May 13 with closure of the Millennium Trail in Wellington.

The new trunks will be constructed from the location of the existing water and wastewater treatments plants to the east along Wellington Main Street, north on Cleminson Street, east along the Millennium Trail and then connect to the new water tower on Belleville Street.

The project also includes a new sanitary pumping station located on the Millennium Trail near the intersection with West Street. This pumping station is a component of the new trunk sanitary sewer.

The municipality expects to complete the project by the end of 2025.

Work beginning May 13 results in Millennium trail closures over the next several weeks:

Monday, May 13 to Monday, May 20
The Millennium Trail Street will be closed to all users between Belleville Street and Wharf
Trail users will be directed around the closure via Wharf Street, Niles Street, and Belleville Street

Tuesday, May 21 until Tuesday, July 23
The Millennium Trail will be closed for all users between Belleville and Consecon streets.
Trail users will be directed around the closure via Consecon Street, 2nd Avenue, West Niles and Belleville streets.

The first road traffic impact for this project is to be a single-lane closure on Belleville Street between 1st Avenue and the Millennium Trail beginning in early June. Further information about this closure will be shared with the public in the coming weeks.

The trunk project will require a full closure of Wellington Main Street between Cleminson Street and the wastewater treatment plant. The closure is expected to start in the fall of 2024. More information about this closure including exact dates and the detour route is to be shared in August.

For more information, contact the County of Prince Edward at 613.476.2148 ext. 1023, 613.962.9108 ext. 1023, or

Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else

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  1. angela says:

    Speak for yourself. The area of the trail which I enjoyed was readily passable. It was a beautiful, natural pathway that offered a peaceful country walk not far from the middle of town. That was enough to guarantee its destruction by those who want all the amenities. It made sense to fix the impassable areas but in order to do it the “trail” became just another long strip of pavement as the paving continued. Its country appeal is largely lost now.

  2. SM says:

    Gussied up you say. Previously the trail through the swamps was impassible due to flooding. Between County Rd 33 and Bloomfield it was covered in loose, large stones that were awful to walk on and even worse for biking. That was its original appeal or perhaps you would prefer to step back even further and make it a rail line once again. I have cycled end to end on the trail as it currently exists. Prior to that I limited myself to Picton on the east and the swamp on the west. The trail is a testament to those who made it happen.

  3. angela says:

    Sadly, the Millennium trail has been gussied up to the point that much of its original appeal has been lost. It began as a beautiful, natural trail with a real country feel. Now it is just a walkway with conflicting uses. Why can we never get back to nature without demanding all the amenities?

  4. Drew says:

    County growth diminishes rural charm. The Millennium trial will be the location for the new water and sewer pipe trunk project as well as continued subdivision encroachment. Quoting “Visit the County” “Although, predominantly rural, the corridor passes through several urban areas that are characterized by adjacent residents, street crossings and connections to other walkway systems” . It would be great if somehow after heavy equipment deployment and subdivision insertion a small buffer of native trees & plant species could remain on either side of the trail. The charm of The Millennium trial is what it isn’t, an urban excursion on paved roads amongst vehicles & buildings. Typically best Trip Advisor reviews suggest “The Millennium Trail is a great place to bike ride & hike when you want a bit of shade, farm scenery, and you don’t want to think about where you’re going”.

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