Montgomery takes over specialized transit
Administrator | May 16, 2011 | Comments 0
Effective June 1 Prince Edward County’s Specialized Transit Service will be provided by J.E. Montgomery Transit Ltd.
The Specialized Transit Service is available to any resident with a physical disability, and for seniors 65 and older and who meet the eligibility criteria. The door-to-door service will operate daily 8:30am to 4:30pm, four days per week – Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Service on other days and special charters will also be available, upon request, same as before.
The new toll-free number to reserve booking times will be: After June 1st 1-888-394-1226
Eligibility for service is based upon assessed need. A fully completed application form must be submitted by all persons requesting service prior to the first trip being granted. Applicants will be accepted and rides will be prioritized based upon the eligibility criteria.
There are two levels of eligibility:
* Service priority will be granted to eligible PEC residents, regardless of age, that use mobility devices and do not have access to existing transportation services.
* Secondary priority will be granted to PEC residents 65 years of age or older that do not use mobility devices and do not have access to existing transportation services.
Requested trips for eligible residents must be booked at least 24 hours in advance. Transportation to medical appointments is considered a priority.
For additional information and to access the application form, visit or call 613-476-2148 and ask for the Recreation, Parks and Culture Department. Application forms are also available at Shire Hall, RPC Dept. offices at 72 King Street in Picton, and at all public library branches.
Filed Under: Local News
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