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Municipal boat launches closed; fishing derby cancelled

Mabel Kleinsteuber Launch on County Rd 12. – File photo

UPDATE: Fishing derby cancelled.

The County is closing all municipal boat launches, effective 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, April 14, to discourage unnecessary recreational travel to the municipality during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.

Meanwhile, the 40th annual Kiwanis Walleye World Fishing Derby, usually held the first weekend in May, has been re-scheduled for May 23-24. However, updates are expected on whether it will be moved again, or cancelled.

Comments on the derby’s Facebook page range from disappointment to understanding, and change tone as time moves on through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Comments from three weeks ago note the new date won’t work as time off and cottages have already been booked. Comments in the past few days call for nothing less than complete cancellation.

“Front line essential workers are risking their lives daily and you want to follow through with a major fishing derby. People from all over would be coming to our area. US citizens would not be allowed through the border. It’s way too early to consider this, no matter where the revenue is going. Wake up and cancel it until next summer! Everyone’s making sacrifices, just not you.”

Boat launches are to remain closed until Tuesday, May 12, which lines up with the 28-day extension of the provincial emergency declaration passed earlier today. The municipality will consider whether to lift the boat launch closure at that time.

County bylaw enforcement will be monitoring the boat launches to ensure compliance with the closure.

First responders will continue to have access in order to launch their vessels.

All outdoor amenities in parks and recreational areas remain closed in the municipality, as per the provincial order, which has been extended to May 12.

Filed Under: Featured ArticlesSports & Recreation

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  1. Dennis Fox says:

    Because of COVUD19, I can understand not wanting tourists coming at this time to fish – but for the local fishermen this decision certainly ruins their chances to fish in their own community. I’m not sure what condition the other launches are in after this winter, but the Northport launch has been out of commision for the last three(3) years. At some point, I would like to benefit from the tax dollars I am paying. I’ll be interested in seeing how many tax dollars and what effort will go into attracting tourists back to PEC, within the next few months – using local tax dollars! There’s something not quite right here.

  2. Chuck says:

    A man or women sitting out on the lake in a boat is harming no one.

  3. Doug says:

    I think its a good idea, I also think they should put “Jersey Barriers” blocking the ramps to help inforce the ruling!

  4. Gary says:

    Who is making this decision? Is it Council approved? Local residents should be permitted to use the boat launches while respecting physical distancing.

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