New County branding to be ‘The County’
Administrator | Mar 30, 2014 | Comments 152
Councillors have supported a new branding of “The County” for Prince Edward County.
The brand, logo, and slogan ‘The County’ has been designed “to build greater awareness of the County’s lifestyle and visitor experience to attract new residents, visitors and investment opportunities”.
The branding was designed by 1dea Design + Media Inc., of Kingston.
The branding report states the budgeted amount for development of the new corporate website includes creative design work estimated to cost between $10,000 and $15,000.
The cost of developing the complete branding package and materials will be $15,250, with the small excess being funded by the Community Development Commission.
Outside of the upcoming planned communications projects, the brand implementation program will have a longer term impact and is currently budgeted for 2014 at $10,000 to cover the cost of new signage, vehicle decals, and other applications.
Private sector partners and community groups would be responsible for their own costs of implementing the brand.
It is to go to council for final approval Tuesday, April 8.
The report states the logo was designed to incorporate a number of visual elements that seek to capture The County’s identity in an authentic manner while remaining simple, clear and vivid.
The design includes:
• Agriculture – represented by the barn and silo
• Wine/Viticulture – represented by grapes and a grape leaf
• Sandbanks and our surrounding water bodies – represented by the
curving sandy-coloured area above the curving blue water (wave)
• Art & Creativity – represented by the overall stained-glass styling of the logo and the inclusion of various solid colours
• Rustic, Rural Landscape – captured in the grainy/distressed bordering, orange sky and the farm elements
The report further states retention of “The County” name rather than only “Prince Edward County” was determined to be important for a number of reasons:
– Part of the local lexicon, making it authentic
– Unique – other county’s do not brand themselves as “The County”
– It is increasingly referenced by the media
– It differentiates us from Prince Edward Island
– Suggests that we are not just any County, we are “The County”.
– “The County” is already trademarked by the Municipality meaning that
no other entity may use it in this fashion.
The inclusion of “Ontario” and the maple leaf as a reference to Canada was done to help identify and leverage the location of The County. Canada has
been ranked for many years as the #1 country brand in the world and is well thought of by tourists and residents. Both of these contribute to a positive
sense of place.
Filed Under: Featured Articles
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Like it or not Sam we are the public, albeit a small cross-section. Based on many of the comments made on this site I suspect there will be a lot more people who raise their eyebrows at this logo, especially when they discover what it cost the taxpayer. You cannot assume that we are the only ones who find this piece of art a take-off on Fruit of the Loom. Maybe it should be entered in this year’s Art in the County competition to see if it can win the People’s Choice Award.
I see your position Sam. Sure wish we could put it out to a poll. As a life long born and bred County boy I am not a fan. It leaves me lost as to what we are trying to portray. Why a silo? And you must admit most won’t interpret water and sand unless they already knew the County. The Logo should be selling to new comers. The problem now is that it is a joke based on bloomers and if that is inset already it will be hard to remove.
Doris Lane, in the post just below mine, stated that “the public has spoken”.
I just find it amusing when a single person or a small group suggest that they speak for “the public”. I see it happening a lot lately. People feel that their opinions do not carry as much weight as they wish, so they try to bolster to their argument by self-electing themselves or their group as representatives of “the public”.
Who spoke for the public Sam?
Although unless critical issues taking the County in a new direction (i.e Turbines) I am not a believer in referendums. Council does have a job to do. Having said that I think this was a unique opportunity to seek public input prior to hanging the “Fruit of the Loom” on the County clothes line.
As for your stats on this site yes you are right but it is a good indicator. If you think not, ask people on the street and neighbour’s like I have. Almost always a big laugh and disgust with $ spent for Fruit of the Loom. This isn’t going away soon.
“Time for council to do something about this–the public has spoken”
28 people have commented on this item. With a county population of ~25,000, I fee that it would be more accurate to say that 0.112% of the public has spoken.
Also keep in mind that of the 28 that have commented, there is not a consensus of opinion.
Perhaps the headline should be: 28 people have commented on this item. Of the 28, only 9 have identified themselves by first and last name. It is unknown if all 28 are residents of PEC. Some (or at least one) of the 28 commenters feel that they speak for the public and that council should do something. (Recommended action not specified.)
Does that sum it up?
The PEPtBO logo is the lighthouse sitting on top of a Canada goose which is on the water
I like the idea of using the Crystal palace with fruit and veges and grapes etc, I am sure one of our graphic artists could come up with something
There is nearly a 100 hits on this story
Time for council to do something about this–the public has spoken
Wolf that’s likely because folks who have lived here all their lives refer to Prince Edward Point as Point Traverse…
“I thought most county people know about Prince Edward Point with the lighthouse”
Most County people probably do. But, I also know people who have lived here for decades do not. The point of a logo is to market and create a brand identity.
I see an oval with water and a lighthouse. Even after enlarging the .jpg that still I saw. No idea what the rest of it. And it’s primarily used on the Home Page.
Sometimes a matter like this that Council may consider as minor explodes into a big election issue as it becomes symblematic of the underlying concerns for waste of taxpayers $$. To have a logo that so many, not just on here but out on the street are referring more and more to an underwear logo cannot be a good thing. Perhaps since there are few barns and silos going up they could have just continued with the grapes by adding the apple and all the lovely vegetables we are known for.
It’s STILL a knock off.
The creative part is based on the initial work of someone else: fruit of the loom.
Why clutter the logo: If it’s promotion of wine which it sure looks like, then put grapes over a sun on the background of PEC island within a partial circle of blue. And make those grapes RED. Or some semblance of this. You have it simple and in the most effective colours used and proved for advertizing – primaries, RYB.
Will we be known as: Loomers of the county. Fruity Loomers ie.(the Loomers of College Swamp Rd. Or the Loomers of Slab Creek., PEC)?
How far can this go to brand us with copy cat. Shame and scandal travel miles on the grapevine. There’s an intention here, albeit a desperate one. What’s the saying: I don’t care what they say about me, as long as they talk about me.” or “Any publicity is better than none.”
Well, the snowball has started down the steep hill.
The crystal palace, beautiful choice with some red grapes on the side.
Thanks Sam
I thought most county people know about Prince Edward Point with the lighthouse
PEPtBO is the Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory
Gary, while I have considerable respect for Wolf and Gary’s intelligence and would never regard them as “stupid”, I agree that council has done some “stupid” things and paying big dollars for that childish logo has to top the list. If they were spending their money instead of ours would they have been so quick to pay an exorbitant fee for a run-of-the-mill piece of art that really does look like the logo for underwear. With all of the artists in the Quinte area, they could have announced a competition with a prize of $1,000. for the logo best representing our county. They could then have called on a panel of artists to judge it. But that would have been too simple. If you pay $15,000. for something that automatioally makes it brilliant in council’s view. So to prevent themselves from being considered stupid they paid top dollar because that would guarantee an amazing logo based on cost alone. Now we all look stupid because our new branding tells the rest of the world that life is relaxed in the county – just wear your jockey shorts and have some grapes.
“Look at PEPtBO’s logo no mistaking where it is.”
Are you referring to Peterborough, Ontario? If so, what is their logo?
Were there any alternatives offered for consideration?
Gary and Wolf, my apologies. I crossed the line with my comment that you think we are stupid. That was not necessary in making my point.
Fruit of the loom logo has a prominent red apple in the centre.
“And where do Mooney and Braun stand? They think we are stupid!”
I have never called anyone online stupid.
Given all of the symbols that might have been used to represent our county the grape should not have been the first choice. The Crystal Palace would have been good, Doris – one of only two such buildings left in North America. That logo does not show much if any imagination.
Logo is a graphic representation or symbol of a company etc., often designed for ready recognition.
Ours is not a logo, as Pam says it is generic and could be any place.
How about something around the crystal palace?
Look at PEPtBO’s logo no mistaking where it is.
Colour Correction: the grapes are red in Fruit…Loom and purple in County loom logo.
Susan said it: Monday, March 31st, 2014
Seriously it looks too similar to the Fruit of the Loom.
After having a closer look…
Not only is this logo “generic” as Pam has said, but it’s truly a knock off of the “fruit of the loom”. Look at it once again.
Grapes in the same corner, same colour, similar leaf location, colour, shape placed on the grapes. A prominent glob of red where an apple appears in one logo and a red barn in the other. The leaf to me is not clear enough to be a maple but more of the grape family of leaves as I thought at first.
Is anyone infringing on copyright, as we keep adopting it for their “fruit of the loom” county.
Gary you may have a point about the Fruit…Loom Corporation paying us for advertising. lol
Doris, I think you may have missed my point. If you cover up “The County” under the logo, would you know that the logo was for Prince Edward County? I wouldn’t. It could be used by any county that has an agricultural base and grows grapes — in other words, a generic logo.
Well Marnie what is the expression, “Stupid is what Stupid does”! I love Doris’s one line response, “Stupid”.
Stupid was amalgamation to create numerous 100k jobs and a beauracracy that defends stupid to defend their existence. The whole system is built to support “stupid” with little regard to the taxpayer. More public paid big jobs, more red tape, less service. It’s a well known strategy.
And where do Mooney and Braun stand? They think we are stupid!
Well said, Gary!
The “Fruit of the Loom” just went down another vote by a local graphic design professional. Guess a lot of amateur regular County folk have a little idea about a logo that fits the County and one from a cartoon clip. I totally agree with Pamela in regards to how someone would get beaches and fantastic water opportunities out of this. The first thing you see because it is pronounced up front is grapes. Makes me think this is totally winery driven and not representative of County. Grapes were not our history and they will not be our saviour!
Pamela I know you are an excellent artist and I am sure you would have come up with something better than this
As far as this being branded as “The County”
It has been called that for years
When I went to teachers college quite a few years ago my teacher asked us the first day “How many of you come from THE COUNTY ?
As a graphic design professional who had her own marketing company for 25 years, I’m disappointed in the new logo. The rationale says that the dunes and the water are represented in the logo, but you’d have to be told to know that. Looks like a wheat field curving down to a farm pond to me.
Take away “The County” underneath and it’s a generic logo for any agriculture-based rural area with vineyards.
“In the county in which I grew up Wolf, we had a wonderful restaurant called Maple Inn (later The Maples), in Bloomfield. Prince Andrew dined there once so that should tell you that it was outstanding. There was also Lakeland – a lovely waterfront restaurant with delicious home-cooked meals located near Sandbanks Park. It was popular with tourists and locals alike. There was also Lakeshore Lodge, if you remember. Most local families visited these dining establishments on all of their special occasions. The prices were affordable for locals and tourists alike.”
Yes, the Maple Inn was during my time as we lived in Bloomfield. We ate there often, especially at Thanksgiving. The last owner of the Maple Inn is today a good friend.
I know where Lakeland and Lakeshore Lodge are located but those were before my time. There was also a restaurant where the current Claremont Inn is located. But not for long.
I made no effort to provide you with my pedigree Mark #1. I have no need to call up my ancestors in order to state an opinion. I simply stated the truth as I and many others of my generation see it. Sorry if it sucks out your soul. You are so busy being “young and progressive” and full of yourself that I doubt you think anyone over 40 knows anything worth bothering about.
In the county in which I grew up Wolf, we had a wonderful restaurant called Maple Inn (later The Maples), in Bloomfield. Prince Andrew dined there once so that should tell you that it was outstanding. There was also Lakeland – a lovely waterfront restaurant with delicious home-cooked meals located near Sandbanks Park. It was popular with tourists and locals alike. There was also Lakeshore Lodge, if you remember. Most local families visited these dining establishments on all of their special occasions. The prices were affordable for locals and tourists alike.
Today we have a number of fine dining establishments with prices affordable for the most part only for the well off. Tourists eat there but you will find a lot of the locals at diners such as Bailey’s or Gus’s. A lot of county people could eat for several days for the price of a single dinner at one of our trendy new restaurants where half the items on the menu are barely pronouncable.
Save your soul, Mark #1. Avoid visiting County Live to see if the natives are restless. I’m sure no one of my generation wants to be responsible for draining you of all that self-assurance springing from your soul.
“How old are you?” -sanmc
I’ll be 67 on the 9th of this month.
So is there anything in your professional background that you fall back on when commenting on logos and brand marketing?
Marnie… I do not care about your pedigree or “when you got here” blah blah blah as I am sure you do not care about mine.
I guess I will have to take your word for it if it was better then. I’m 32, so don’t pretend to know how life was like before 1982.
Sucks how years go by and times change, huh? And then ultimately, all that passes YOU by.
You are on here splitting hairs about a logo. Think about that for a second. Actually, take an entire minute and really ponder if it is worth your time, bandwith, frustration, etc.
Some of you wake up everyday and your first thought as you roll out of bed is “well, wonder what is on CountyLive today? Can’t wait to get on there and complain about it.” Seemingly, anyway.
This website is great, content-wise. I don’t know why I get sucked into the abyss that is the comments section under every article. My own fault.
“As a young, progressive person having grown up and now living comfortably in the County (and loving it), reading comments on this site just sucks the soul right out of me.”
Amen Mark !
When I first discovered The County in 1968 there was one decent restaurant (anyone remember The Sword) plus one or two others in Picton. Now we have many first rate restaurants to choose from, with more coming online.
Sandbanks Provincial Park hasn’t changed much since before my time here. It still draws 300,000+ campers who don’t really leave many $$$ behind.
We still have the Mustang Drive-Inn – thank goodness.
We had a lot of canneries up until 1975 when the last one – Baxter’s closed. We used to grow a lot of cash crops for those plants. That all went south… literally to s.w. Ontario.
We used to have a lot of cheese factories in The County. Now we have 2. And one of them is relatively new and thriving.
We still have a cement plant. With technology advances it no longer employees as many people as in the good ‘ole days. But it’s still here.
Back in the early 70’s we had ‘some’ antique shops. Now I’ve lost count. I still think “Dead People’s Stuff” is creative… and makes me grin every time I drive by, next to the palette plant… which has been here forever.
We had very few B&B’s back then. Now we don’t have enough given the tourism numbers. Thanks to the Rogers, we have the Waring House and some of the best B&B’s in Canada.
The County has changed and will continue to change… as do other towns and cities. Heck, back then Toronto was just pushing a million in population. What are they now? A lot. And even more traffic congestion. At least we only have busy streets in Picton in the summer. If it wasn’t for tourism, all the shops, restaurants, etc in Picton would not be there. Which is better? Before? Or today? Only you can tell.
Mark, Quote:
“just sucks the soul right out of me.”
We all have qualifiers that “suck the soul right out” of us. Reality sucks sometimes.
It upsets on many levels. But, really, its a good place to live, at this time. How one navigates through the change will create a perception of life. Good, bad, indifferent.
What’s upsets me is the levels of gov’t and what corporate vision they hope to create, as the good for humanity and the environment are not recognized in the plan. Even as our tool of parliament – Todd Smith MPP, continues to try and make a difference, with little result. It takes more than one voice.
The municipal, “fruit of the loom” level is where we start. It’s our core that holds life’s promise here in PEC. Plus some acceptance of the politics of the day that governs us of in which we do have a say. We are entitled to that good life under the “EPA” and the constitution. Unless, it gets changed again. Then the quality of that change affects everyone – like it or not.
Some will act, some won’t, some will wait in silence and follow, some will dig heels in, some will scream, some will cry.
How is it working for you and is it enough?
Mark – For those of us who grew up here in the 1960’s you cannot begin to imagine how it sucks the soul out of us. The county was a far different place then and a better one.
As a young, progressive person having grown up and now living comfortably in the County (and loving it), reading comments on this site just sucks the soul right out of me.
It’s all a result of poor planning and lack of foresight. You can’t build a 30 million s””t plant for a Town of 3000 and expect them to be able to pay for it or attract growth where they need it. You can’t hang your hat on seasonal wineries paying minimum wage. You can’t create a beauraucry like we have in a small County and afford it. You cannot afford a 6 million $ fire hall that is removed from the Town core and does not serve the east well at all. We have so many roads in dire straits they don’t know where to start. And yes the Turbines will be the knife through the heart. And with the Province on the verge of bankruptcy (interest on debt $400 a second)there will be no bail out. Make plans to move if you can. If not then we can only hope that “Fruit of the Loom” can at least put a underwear factory here out of pity and for the advertisement.
Add to all of these woes, IM Messenger, the fact that more cuts have been announced for our hospital. It’s likely that a number of older people will leave the county in order to be closer to hospital services and who can blame them?. Those considering this area for retirement will think twice about moving to a community with only a first-aid station. The turbines will be the final nail in the county’s coffin. The glory days are over and what lies ahead is not pretty. It’s going to take more than that a logo to sell people on coming here or staying here for that matter.
The fruit of the loom county is getting ready to be branded big time with turbines. Turbines have been a branding iron for few years now and at the current time is hotter than ever to burn court decisions onto the farmland.
On March 11, 2014 the Renewable Energy Approval (REA) application for the White Pines Wind Farm has been deemed complete. The next step: REA approval to start the project. (God-forbid). The county has problems now with coffers and roads. “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” Try to imagine it.
It’s going to be a system of tourists and turbines. Both being a little tipsy in the wind.
I am NOT fooled as we spin towards critical mass. The influx of money needed from the county loom is far greater than council has the ability to attract, create, steal, tax, or inherit. We’ll look back at $15,000 as a mere pigeon dropping dried on a rooftop. Our tax dollars will not pay for the major repairs and needs that are slated to come.
Whatever the logo, it’s not going to matter. A purple pony, a Blanding’s turtle either would do fine. Very sobering. I hope I’m wrong on this reality.
And Marnie, how does fruit of the loom pay for the enormous strain placed on the roads?
The tourist industry will never drive the county. Our roads are littered with their garbage and many of these summer visitors arrive at Sandbanks Park and other campgrounds with bags of groceries purchased before they came here. I have talked to quite a few county residents who say they tend to shop in Belleville in the summer months because they do not have to contend with Picton’
s traffic jams or circle the block for a parking space. Some stores actually lose business because of the tourists. Our road systems were never intended to handle the traffic created by the tourist invasion.
People you can b***h & chew about it all day long… because everyone thinks their right. The county council will do what they want…they’ve shown that time & time again.
I understand we need tourism to bring in money to the county. But I think people have forgotten what makes the county a special place…the people that live here. I’ve lived here all my life and thats what it used to be about…the people made the county a great place not the tourists. Try looking after the people of the county with frugal (avoiding waste) spending of our hard earned tax dollars. We are already branded as the county we don’t need to be re-branded again.
The tourists will come to the county regardless…they always do!
Yup and once they leave school, they find real jobs elsewhere and move out of the County.
I will add most of the jobs Ken speaks of are seasonal and targeted towards students, once the tourists season slows those folks are laid off or go back to school…
Bang on Gary this full on tourism push hasn’t worked as is evident by The County deficit…
Yes I realize that Ken. But does the vast majority gain from fruit of the loom taking into consideration the costs, i.e. roads. Will it ever get them out of being the working poor?
Gary, some of those people might be working at a job that may make the bulk of it’s money from tourism. Whether it is working at a grocery store, slinging beer and food at one of the restaurants, or working at one of the small stores on main street in town.
The fruit of the loom is all about tourism. Now does tourism help the average Joe and his wife? Two parents making $12.00 an hour raising children. Does it really help them climb out of the working poor class. They can’t help anymore or take anymore hits to pay for water and a spanking new s””t plant. They can’t cough up anymore for the roads pounded to nothing by the tourists. Does the County really benefit from tourism or is it the associated businesses. The grocery stores make a killing but they don’t pay anymore tax to the County than if they were just supplying locals. The tax on purchases goes to the feds and the Province not the County coffers. Tourism, is it all it’s cracked up to be?
@ Wolf Braun, your statement:
“Everyone is entitled to an opinion Marnie.”
Your comments at times contradicts this as in your rant on me shows. You owe me an apology.
My response to Wolf Braun
I rephrase: “Only wine barns are red” with, most wine barns are red.
– “The Henry Oosterhuis barn, the most photographed barn in Ontario is red.”
And I expect the reason why is because it “is” red and noticeable. Your neighbour must be a fortunate farmer who is able to keep up the maintenance.
– ‘Wine begets more policing, offenses, violations, domestic violence, partying, more revenue, tax right offs.’—–“‘Do you have evidence to support your claims or are you still just stuck in prohibition days?”
Yes, their is evidence. Some police stats are sited in the county newspapers. Convenient and abundant access to alcohol, including wine comes with profits and consequences of its use. This fact is well documented.
No, I am not stuck in prohibition days. lol. How old are you?
– “You missed ‘art & creativity’. Were you unable to conceive a critique for this segment of The County?”
No, I didn’t miss it. Design is, and, of itself, ‘art & creativity’.
I was able to conceive of a critique, it was not necessary. See above.
– “Or is it just that you’ve never wandered around and visited our painters . . .”
No. Now, this is silly. You do not know, if I am any one of our painters, artists, potters, sculptors, or talented people . . . You know little about sanmc.
– You also missed “rustic & rural”.
No, the fruity loom design depicts it with a barn, well known to be rustic in county rural landscapes not urban. It goes without saying.
– “logo ‘will’ effectively bring in more visitors . . . staying in hotels . . . eating . . might even buy a home here . . . contribute tax dollars. Are you against that as well.”
No, I agree in theory, however, statistics will show in the future if populations, visitors and profits have reduced or increased as the threat of turbines works its way through the higher courts. County cash registers will also tell us.
– “One simply can’t communicate every segment of the community.”
And this applies to everyone and that “I” should have to communicate on every segment, as you commented?
As for the rest of my insights into the design of the fruity of the loom logo they stand in the face of your strong disagreement. Were you drinking at the time you wrote and posted your comments? Or did you have a fight with your wife? I ask because it shows more about your character than mine or your celebration of the logo.
Relax. It’s only a logo. You don’t have to defend it like it’s your own design. Have another drink. Phone your favorite councilors. Most already know.
How many is that now ? For ____ Against ____
Branding only works if the company, etc. using it can supply what the branding offers. If one was to read the comments on the website, they would find a lot of
b/////ing & chewing, not a friendly environment one would like to visit……This is not to say that I like the new Brand or the time and money that was spent on it….Before it was accepted maybe the tax payers should have been invited to see it at a public viewing.