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New memory garden at Loyalist Humane Society

A Sheltered Life – photographs, and stories, as told to Maggie Haylock-Capon, by Liza, resident greeter at the Loyalist Humane Society. File photographs by Alan R. Capon and photos by Gilles Robert.

(If you are unable to adopt a cat or kitten, there are many other important ways to help the LHS. Donations of Javex and other household cleaning products, garbage bags, grocery bags, litter, cat food and kitten food are welcome. The Loyalist Humane Society is located on County Road 4, (Talbot Street), near the intersection of Tripp Road.)


Hello, Everyone,



It’s Liza here with all the latest news from The Laundry Room, the happening place at the Loyalist Humane Society. There was great excitement here today, with the arrival of a special visitor – Master Gardener Retired, Sandra Dowds. She came to plant our Memory Garden. Within just a few hours, she had transformed a pile of dirt into a tranquil corner where we can remember all of our former residents who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

The Memory Garden is part of our new shelter beautification program and later this summer we will hold a special dedication ceremony with guests tenor Julian Gallo and Ken Campbell, Prince Edward County’s dog whisperer.

Of course, all of our residents were very curious when they observed Sandra digging holes in the new garden to plant hostas, Japanese spirea, sedum and a large peony bush. Then, Mrs. Moffatt overheard Franco boasting that he had dug a hole there, too. Trust me, that old reprobate was NOT planting posies.

Our recent Katnip Tea was a resounding success. A total of $3,500 was raised for our shelter. As I mentioned in my last report, it was decided that Franco would be allowed to attend this year’s fundraiser, but only if he would agree to the purchase of new clothes from The Second Time Around Shop. Benson and Houdini accompanied him to Picton to shop for his new wardrobe.

Houdini found a pair of tan trousers, a beige shirt, and a brown sports jacket, all in Franco’s size. Franco, who was on the prowl for something flashy, chose a purple silk shirt, plaid pants, and patent leather shoes. Benson told him very firmly that while he could buy those ridiculous clothes if he wanted, he was going to wear the trousers and sports coat they had selected for him to the tea. When Franco ambled up to the counter to pay, it was later learned that he placed his outfit for the tea in front of the clerk, said “Ditch these drab duds, Missy. I’m buyin’ the glitzy threads.”

Benson and Houdini did not discover what he had done, until their arrival back at the shelter. By then, it was too late. Franco embarrassed us all by attending the social event of the summer in those horrible plaid pants and that dreadful purple shirt. He disgraced himself by dancing on a table while Mr. Gallo sang New York, New York and while moving to the beat, split the seat of his trousers. We were mortified to discover that he was wearing black bikini briefs.

Our new Memory Garden will require a few finishing touches. We are hopeful that someone will donate a bird bath in memory of a beloved pet or perhaps a small stone bench. The lava rocks placed by Mrs. Dowds were kindly donated to our project by Ken and Janice Campbell, of Winstead Dogs. We have dedicated them in memory of their beautiful St. Bernard, Jack, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge this year.

Now, over to Franco, who has the latest shelter gossip.

News Flashes From Franco

Hi Ya,



That Katnip Tea was quite the shindig. I sported me new duds and had meself a high old time. Mrs. M. was about ta pitch a fit when I danced on the table. Wound up like an eight-day clock she were. Thought she’d bust a gusset when me trousers split and she spotted me bikini briefs. I stoled ’em off a clothes line on Talbot Street awhile back. Bet some dude is still lookin’ for ’em.

That new Memory Garden is lookin’ good. I’m lookin’ forward ta snoozin’ in it this summer. The old shelter is sure sprucin’ up. Musta been my flashy new duds that inspired ’em.

Not much else ta report, except ta say that them Frost sisters is the belles o’ the shelter these days – Dee an’ Dew they calls theirselves. Imagine a gal callin’ herself DeeFrost. Deesgraceful if ya askts me. Them girls flirts with every Tom, Dick, n’ Harry. Mrs. M. better keep an eye on that pair.

Off fer a snooze. Hope you’all come ta the deadication ceremony fer the Memory Garden. Funny name fer it, but I spose it is fer the dead an’ gone.


Late-Breaking News!

And this just in from roving reporter, Houdini: Franco recklessly has sunk to a new low. This week he staged an unprovoked attack on a volunteer’s dog, then bragged about it. He was telling everyone he had shown that “big brute” who was boss. Eye witnesses to the altercation report that the dog was big, but Franco omitted two vital pieces of information. It was a senior dog and it was on the canine equivalent of a walker – a cart that supported its hindquarters. Boo to Franco for this cowardly attack. In a lame attempt to defend himself he claimed he thought the cart was a newfangled weapon of mass destruction.

* * *
Click here for previous Loyalist Humane Society blogs

Filed Under: Margaret Haylock-CaponNews from Everywhere Else

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