New Prince Edward Federation of Agriculture president
Administrator | Apr 15, 2024 | Comments 0
Jason Courneyea has become the new president of the Prince Edward Federation of Agriculture, (PEFA) taking over the position from the long-serving John Thompson, who will now serve as past-president. Bob Rogers is first vice-president and Don Williams, second vice-president.
Courneyea became a board member in 2018 and farms on Gilead Road in Bloomfield.
The PEFA honoured John and Jane Thompson by nominating them to be included in the Quinte Agricultural Wall of Fame in 2023. The ceremony and wall of inductees is hosted at Stirling’s Farmtown Park museum. The couple joined the century old family farming business in Sophiasburgh 1975 and have served the community for decades in various capacities.
The PEFA is one of 51 county and regional federations supported by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture.
It also supports the community with various donations, including the foodbanks, student bursaries, food for learning, and the PEC 4H Dairy Club Royal Team.
PEFA represents the voice of agriculture in the local community and advocates on behalf of farm families in Prince Edward County on local agricultural issues.
Members last year invited municipal councillors to tour local farms to share information about the importance of the agricultural industry.
Directors have also been discussing a concerning trend of rapidly spreading noxious weeds and formulating strategies for the municipality to deal with them more effectively.
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