New TV show reaches out to seniors
Administrator | Oct 21, 2013 | Comments 0
Reaching out to seniors is something that Shell-Lee Wert and Debbie MacDonald Moynes have honed to a fine art. Both are executive directors of Community Care agencies and support seniors to live at home with practical services such as Meals on Wheels and transportation to medical appointments. Both write weekly columns and promote the services of their agencies at every turn.
When an opportunity presented itself to co-produce a show on Cogeco Cable TV, they jumped at the chance and “Seniors’ Support” became a reality. Planning to record this monthly half hour program began in earnest and the premiere will be on Monday, Oct. 21st at 7:30pm only on TVCogeco.
“TVCogeco reaches parts of Prince Edward County where many seniors reside”, said MacDonald Moynes. “Wellington, along Highway 33 in the west part of the county, and along the Rednersville Road are areas where we provide services and we could provide more if there were more requests from seniors who live there.” Even though she writes columns for seniors in local papers, she hopes that this TV show will reach even more people and boost calls from these areas.
“Community outreach is an integral component of our work as it is always difficult to identify the older adults who are living alone and isolated” says Shell-Lee. “They are often the individuals who need our services the most and we are grateful to TVCogeco for providing us with this wonderful opportunity.”
Community Care for South Hastings and The Prince Edward County Community Care for Seniors Association support seniors to live at home. Services include delivery of hot and frozen meals, transportation to medical appointments & shopping, noon-time dinners for seniors in central locations, help with Income Tax, reassurance programs, caregiver support and respite, homemaking, yard work and home maintenance. The agencies are partly funded by the Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care through the South East Local Health Integration Network and supported by donations and community fundraising efforts.
For more information reach Community Care at 613-476-7493, 613-969-0130 or on the web at
Filed Under: Local Services • News from Everywhere Else
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