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No rain on Easter parade and community egg hunts

From the Easter Bunny’s lips to Mother Nature’s ear, were hopes for the rain to hold off for a glorious morning of sunshine as youngsters participated in community Easter Egg Hunts all over Prince Edward County.

Following a hiatus of a few years, the Picton Firefighters Association brought Easter fun back to Benson Park Saturday morning with buckets upon buckets of foil-wrapped chocolate eggs spread throughout the playground and field.

Sparky the Fire Dog was in attendance to present special prizes donated by Picton Home Hardware to finders of two golden eggs. Draws were also held for various chocolately goodies.

Fred Johnson, 8, found his golden egg nestled in a pile of leaves, and won a new bicycle. Ariah Parker, 4, found her golden egg near a tree, and won a new wagon.

The sunshine continued to best threats of rain as hundreds gathered in Milford for the annual Easter festivities. First stop for many was the Milford Branch Library where participants carefully crafted Easter bonnets.

The The County Carriage Company brought Jenny the horse to meet the crowd gathering at the Milford Town Hall. Jen Ackerman’s donkey was dressed in a fine Easter blanket and was agreeable to having a tiny dog ride on its back.

The crowd began to muster for the parade nobody watches – because they’re all participants.

They came on bicycles, in wagons and on scooters. Those walking the route to the fairgrounds greeted friends and admired each other’s Easter finery.

Though distant clouds threatened rain, some shed their jackets, enjoying the warmth of the spring day, and lined up, several rows deep, along the third base line.

The Easter Bunny waved to all and dropped his paw to launch the hunt for sparkling foil-wrapped chocolate eggs. The children raced around the fairgrounds filling their baskets as quickly as they could, with momentary stops to show off their bounty to friends and family.

The Easter Bunny hopped about to hand out special lollipops and treats, and paused frequently to shake a paw and to be photographed.

Neighbourly conversations began to wrap up and the crowds headed to their vehicles as the day’s promised rain began to fall – but not a moment too soon.

Easter egg hunts were held simultaneously at Williams Family Farm in Bloomfield, in Sophiasburgh and in Ameliasburgh this year.

A look at some of Saturday’s Easter fun:

The Picton Firefighters Association brought Easter Egg fun back to Benson Park this year.

Firefighter Jim Young helps a young Leafs fan to get all his eggs into a winning basket.

Younger event participants found their eggs throughout the playground while the older children explored the park area for their treats.

Sparky the Fire Dog congratulated Fred Johnson and Ariah Parker for finding the golden eggs to win a new bicycle and a wagon donated by Picton Home Hardware.

Paige Thomas enjoyed meeting two bunnies visiting at Benson Park.

Claire Thomas see what’ it’s like to get behind the wheel of a fire truck.

Ryker Ivanic, 5, tries on the Easter bonnet he created at the Milford Branch Library.

Aubrey Walker gets ready to ride the parade route in John Deere style.

Jenny was pleased to meet citizens dressed in their Easter finery.

Easter bonnets are not only for people.

Leading the parade from the Milford Town Hall to the fairground.

Milford’s is the parade nobody watches, because everybody’s a participant.

Jen Ackerman’s donkey was agreeable to giving a small dog a ride to the fairgrounds.

And they’re off to give a good home to thousands of foil-wrapped chocolate eggs.

Sophia Skoutajan and Helen Adams, of Ottawa, show off their hunting skills. The family loves the Milford event so much, they have attended for the past five years.

Thumbs up for an egg-cellent morning.

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  1. theresa says:

    How wonderful! A big thanks to everyone who makes these County Easter traditions happen.

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