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Not OK to block disabled parking spot

There is a story about accessibility misuse in Picton that needs to be told.

The new owner of The Armoury has removed all parking at the front of the building; specifically the three free disability spots that had no time restrictions.
Although his choice to remove these, it is not legal or OK to block off the new municipal two hour time limit disabled spot put at the old entrance to the parking he removed.

And it’s definitely not OK to harass people with a disabled permit to move their vehicles from the disabled parking in order to use it as an entrance.

A report was put into the County but it seems no one is doing anything.

I have taken some pictures. It was blocked again this morning.

Writer’s name withheld by request.

Filed Under: Letters and OpinionNews from Everywhere Else

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  1. Elaine says:

    There is a site plan with the county to remove this driveway. The disabled spot was placed correctly at what will no longer be a driveway should the site plan be approved prematurely. I understand the county is to temporarily cover it up until the approval / construction cease. It would be nice to see additional spots and some with no time limit consistent with recommendations related to this type of parking. And, I would again stress to people, Do not assume because you think someone is healthy that they are. You have no idea the mental impact having a significant chronic condition has when you need to use these spots and you know people are looking at you and assuming things that are not true. You may not see that able bodied person, once through the door, need to stop and sit to prevent passing out. I know people who have had threatening letters left on their windshield accusing them of misuse who are on lung transplant lists and one who died within months of being targeted.

  2. I am not surprised to hear of able bodied people using these spots designated for the disabled. I have a friend with C.P who needs these spots. We often notice able bodied people hurrying into stores here in London misusing these spaces with no shame.!! We are living in a ME Me Society with no respect for the disabled! !!!

  3. Phil St-Jean says:

    Here’s a little history
    As a former tenant in The Armoury (1997-2003) I can tell you definitively that is a driveway.
    It has existed since the late 70’s when Sears first occupied space in The Armoury and used it for truck unloading.
    I suspect the contractor who painted the lines a few weeks ago put the handicap markings in error.
    A former owner in 2000 agreed to a request by Community Care for Seniors, also a tenant then, to create additional accessible spaces, he did so voluntarily.
    CC for S has moved to King St.
    2 owners later the spaces have been removed as is the current owners right.
    I for one applaud the current owner for finally affecting repairs and investing in his property what he does with his property is his business.
    I would hope that the municipality will get out a can of white spray paint and fix the problem so that the disparaging stories and remarks cease.

    BTW I have no link whatsoever to the current owner just an opinion and some historical knowledge.
    I strongly suggest that the anonymous poster call the county bylaw office 613-476-2148 to get clarification on the questionable parking space and please set the record straight as opposed to just posting incendiary photos and comments.

  4. Dennis Fox says:

    By chance I was downtown today and saw the parking space in question – I believe I have made an error because the handicap logo has been improperly located. As far as my comment about healthy people using them – I am talking about those who not only can move around easily, but those same people have no sign ether on their license plate nor in their window – they are taking advantage of an easy spot while those who need it go without.

  5. Susan says:

    It appears from the pic that there shouldn’t be a parking spot at that entrance. Story lacks a lot of information. Aside,I see folks using handicapped parking with the permit on the dash but the person it is meant for is not in the vehicle. This should be strongly addressed as well.

  6. Elaine says:

    I would like to respond to the comment above. Physicians must document reasons that are very specific for these parking passes. It is incredibly ignorant and misinformed to think that because someone looks healthy that they must be. People have invisible chronic diseases that have severe impacts to lung capacity, heart function and the person you think is healthy may be fighting to live.

  7. Dennis Fox says:

    There are one or two issues that this article opens the door for discussion on… First is the obvious issue of healthy mobile people occupying handicapped parking spaces – they have no consideration about the difficulty that some have to face just to pick up a loaf of bread. We have all seen healthy people jump out of their car and go shopping. For me these people should be heavily fined;
    The second issue is who owns the roadway? This new owner of The Armoury needs the municipality to set him/her straight fast. But isn’t this what we get when once publicly owned buildings are sold to private pockets? We should take note to protect our Town Hall now.

  8. Jen says:

    I think it’s a driveway there. The curb is cut for it. Town put sign in wrong spot.

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