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Not sheepish about sharing the road


sheep-chris-wilsonWith the joy of the first bit of sunshine in weeks, people on a Sunday drive along County Road 7 got plenty of smiles watching a couple hundred sheep being herded toward Bongards Crossroad. “The sheep were hilarious,” says photographer Chris Willson.



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  1. Sending thanks to all our neighbours in Waupoos and on County road 7 that slowed down and waited for the sheep to pass. We really appreciated it. We hope you enjoyed the parade!

  2. I remember when I first moved to Cressy back in the mid-80s. One day I was driving to Picton through Waupoos and far ahead of me, I could see white & fuzzy movement in the distance in the middle of the road and scattered along both sides of the road. As I approached, I saw that there were hundreds of sheep walking/running/meandering and munching, too! People had parked their cars along the side of the road to help guide the sheep that had gone astray and so I joined in, of course, and helped shepherd many sheep that day towards Waupoos Island. That was my “Welcome to the County, city girl” moment! Great photos that brought back great memories. Thanks!

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