Now delivering hot Meals on Wheels in Ameliasburgh
Administrator | Dec 28, 2014 | Comments 0

Bruce Hatton, volunteer, and Cyndi Caume, owner of the Mason Jar Restaurant in Carrying Place, prepare to deliver a Meals on Wheels meal to seniors in Ameliasburgh.
Hot Meals on Wheels will now be available to seniors living in Ameliasburgh as the Mason Jar Restaurant joins three other County meal providers for the Meals on Wheels program administered by the Prince Edward County Community Care for Seniors Association. Community Care volunteers have been delivering hot meals to seniors in Picton since 1980.
Cyndi Caume is the enthusiastic new provider of hot meals for Tuesdays and Thursdays from her restaurant in Carrying Place – the Mason Jar. It’s a family affair. Packing Meals on Wheels recently were Cyndi’s in-laws, daughter and her Dad. The Mason Jar already supplies hot meals to the Meals on Wheels program in Trenton so cooking a few more for delivery in Ameliasburgh was welcomed.
“My family is amazing. They’ll stay all day if needed,” said Cyndi. “It’s more than just business for me. If I could help seniors and not have to run a business that’s what I’d do.”
“Homemade food is their specialty” said Debbie MacDonald Moynes, Community Care’s executive director. “We’re sure that the seniors who receive these meals will find them tasty and nutritious, too.”
Prince Edward Community Care is now accepting requests for delivery of hot meals from seniors who live in Ameliasburgh. Volunteers are always welcome, too.
“I’m busy. I love life,” Cyndi said, concluding with “Anything you need, we’ll help with. My whole family will help!”
“We are pleased to be delivering hot Meals on Wheels to the northern parts of Prince Edward County,” said Margaret Werkhoven, president of Prince Edward Community Care. “In the spring we’ll also be offering a foot care clinic in Ameliasburgh, thanks to the generosity of Cornerstone Church on Hwy. 62 which has agreed to provide space for this program.”
The Prince Edward County Community Care for Seniors Association supports seniors to live at home. Services include delivery of hot and frozen meals, transportation to medical appointments & shopping, noon-time dinners for seniors in central locations, help with Income Tax, reassurance programs, caregiver support and respite, homemaking, yard work and home maintenance.
For more information call Prince Edward Community Care at 613-476-7493 or
Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else
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