Ostrander Point comments due Thursday
Administrator | Jun 07, 2011 | Comments 3
If you’re planning to comment on the Ostrander Point industrial wind turbines, this Thursday (June 9th) is the final day for your voice to be heard on two crucial points:
1. That Gilead Power has, as part of the proposed Ostrander Point development, been granted a permit to “kill, harass and harm” two endangered species, the rare Blanding’s Turtle and the Whip-poor-will, and
2. That the proposed Ostrander Point development will occupy Crown Land, with access roads and underground electrical infrastructure likely remaining in place in perpetuity.
Given the size of this province, it is puzzling why the Ontario government would choose to site an industrial wind project in a rare alvar habitat with two endangered species and 19 species at risk – and over 750,000 migratory birds which pass through twice a year, flying at the height of wind turbine blades. Migratory bats are at very high risk from the wind turbines.
Gilead Power apparently plans to convert the rare alvar limestone into gravel for use in the turbine foundations; in other words, it would be impossible to restore this rare and delicate ecosystem once the lease has ended.
To comment on the endangered species, e-mail esa.permits.agreements@ontario.ca and quote ER number 011- 3181 in the subject line.
To comment on the tenure agreement; which would convert Crown land into industrial land, e-mail eric.prevost@ontario.ca and quote ER number 011-3297 in the subject line.
Pamela Stagg
Filed Under: Letters and Opinion
About the Author:
Today is the last day to get your comments in on the Ostrander Point project.
If you have done so yet try and do so before this day is out.
Today is the last day to get your comments in on the Ostrander Point project.
If you have done so yet try and do so before this day is out.
Or go here:
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