Ostrander Point ERT wraps with final witness
Administrator | Nov 27, 2015 | Comments 0
With the final witness on the stand and another announcing he would not be giving testimony, the Prince Edward County Field Naturalists (PECFN), are hoping Thursday’s Environmental Review Tribunal meeting was the last.
“Today was the end of a long and exhausting journey for the members of PECFN, the supporters of our fight to Save Ostrander Point, our legal team and probably the opposing lawyers and the tribunal panel as well,” said Cheryl Ostrander, of PECFN.
Shawn Taylor, a witness for approval holder Gilead Power gave testimony about his success in aquatic and terrestrial rehabilitation projects. He noted in some projects, he was involved in creating artificial nesting sites for Blanding’s turtles. There did not seem to be any evidence, however, that the turtles actually used these artificial sites. Most of Taylor’s work was in restoration of wetland habitat for road construction.
The second witness for the day was to have been Mike Lord, president of Gilead. After the lunch break the Gilead lawyers announced that Lord would not be giving testimony.
“Everyone in the room gave a huge sigh of relief – we could not believe it was finally over,” said Anderson.
Before January 15, the legal teams are to submit written briefs and replies summing up the case. On the 15th final oral submissions are to be presented in Toronto and then the ERT panel is expected to deliberate and write a final decision.
Of 30 wind projects appealed and decided by Environmental Review Tribunal, all but Ostrander Point have been dismissed.
Meanwhile, PECFN continues raising funds toward legal expenses since the appeal of the Ostrander Point Gilead Power Project of nine turbines in 2012. Funds continue to be raised to support PECFN and the Alliance to Protect Prince Edward County, which is facing day 16 of its ERT Monday, Nov. 30 in protest of the White Pines 27-turbine project. A new South Shore Appeal Fund has been created with the focus of keeping the south shore turbine free.
On January 16 PECFN presents Winter Wonderland Walk – a three km walk along Hilltop Road from the corner of Dainard Road up Brewers Rd to Long Dog Winery where mulled wine and hot spiced cider will be available. Rides provided back to cars parked at the side of Hilltop Road. Participants are asked to register and get a few sponsors to help donate funds to the cause.
Register by emailing cherylanderson23@sympatico.ca or calling 613-471-1096 Registration $10
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