Administrator | Mar 01, 2013 | Comments 0
CHEERS! from The Ostrander Point Appeal Fund to all those who supported the cause last Sunday at the viewing of Amy Bodman’s award winning film, The Limits of What We Know, at Bloomfield Town Hall. The pre-screening reception was festive with music supplied by Mark Despault, Conrad Beaubien, Pete Mannheim and Robert Keys. Filmed in Zimbabwe in 1993, The Limits of What We Know is a meditation on the interconnections of land, humans and wildlife. It explores human and animal-made modifications to the environment as well as natural changes that have taken place through millennia.
Prince Edward County Field Naturalists hosted the well-attended event. “This is the first of several events we are planning to raise funds for our appeal to the Environmental Review Tribunal” organizing committee member Sheena Kennedy commented. “We are thrilled with the response and very grateful for the community support we have received.”
The evening raised approximately $1,000 for the Ostrander Point Appeal Fund.
Day 1 of the Ostrander Point Environmental Review Tribunal begins Monday at 10:30 am in Demorestville, appealing the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) approval if Gilead Power’s Ostrander Point industrial wind turbine project on the south shore of Prince Edward County.
Appeals will be heard by the Prince Edward County Field Naturalists, on grounds of harm to plants, animals or the natural environment; and The Alliance to Protect Prince Edward County, on grounds of harm to human health.
The groups are asking interested residents to attend the first day of the hearing to demonstrate support. Meet Monday, March 4, at the Sophiasburgh Town Hall, 2771 County Road 5 in Demorestville. Arrive at 10:30 for the session, which will start at 11 am sharp and last for about two hours.
Filed Under: Local News