Patio pilot project under way in Picton
Administrator | Aug 19, 2013 | Comments 7
The County’s first sidewalk patio pilot program is under way on Main Street, Picton.
The pilot was a recommended initiative of the Community Development department to encourage pedestrian traffic in retail business areas, contribute to the ambiance of the downtown core, and provide restaurants and eateries with additional capacity to generate revenue and enhance visibility.
One participant, The Bean Counter Café, increased seating capacity by 12 through use of the sidewalk space outside of the shop.
“We’ve been getting rave reviews from our customers and the community in general,” says Debbie Tremblay, owner. “Not only are we able to accommodate more customers, but we’re providing a cozy and relaxing outdoor space for patrons to enjoy. The feedback has been incredible.”
Municipal guidelines govern the health and safety, design, materials, accessibility requirements and appearance of the patio.
Associated costs for railings, administrative fees and inspections are the responsibility of the business owner. PELA-CFDC (Prince Edward/Lennox and Addington Community Futures Development Corporation) has recently approved a grant to offset a portion of expenses incurred by participating businesses this year.
At the end of patio season, the pilot will be evaluated regarding its continuation and recommended changes to the program guidelines. Recommendations will be brought before County council this winter.
Filed Under: Local News
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Don’t get me wrong I think its a great idea and provides some extra revenue for Local Merchants once the small issues are ironed out it will be great for downtown Picton…
think it’s a great idea…that is one of the features I have always loved about Kingston..way to move forward!!
I seen a fellow on a scooter the other day have a considerable amount of trouble maneuvering along the edge of the sidewalk and the sidewalk ramp he came pretty close to falling off the edge of the sidewalk a few times before he managed to get onto the road…
I can’t believe people are complaining about a few additional chairs and tables for customers (probably tourists spending money) in front of the few establishments that would even have them for the few months of good weather we have. What exactly do these people complaining about taking up too much space on the sidewalk want to do anyway …take up residence? Ever heard of ‘single file’? Just suck it up for the 5 seconds it takes to pass the ‘offending’ cafe or restaurant and keep walking! If people are using the patios and putting money into the community …what’s the problem?
I like the idea, though I think The Bean Counter’s patio is a bit too wide.
It’s a nice touch and does not interfere with pedestrian traffic half as much as clothing displays and other merchandise. When the Sears store was open we had to hopscotch around lawn mowers and BBQs.
it takes up to much sidewalk space