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PECI student enhance well-being with ‘Say One Nice Thing’ campaign

Trish FitzGibbon Twitter photo

PECI and North Trenton High School students share information about their Say One Nice Thing campaigns with Board of Education members. Jennifer Cobb Twitter photo

PECI principal Darren McFarlane, teacher Greer Koutroulides and students Abby and Brooke share information about PECI’s Say One Nice Thing campaigns with Board of Education members. Trish FitzGibbon Twitter photo

The Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board learned how a ‘Say One Nice Thing’ campaign enhances the well-being of students and their school communities.

Superintendent of Education Mark Fisher, School Climate & Student Well-Being Services, made opening remarks at Monday night’s meeting about the provincial and local approaches to equity and well-being for students.

He said that provincially, ensuring equity means students reach their full potential through access to school experiences. Locally, it means students attending school every day and being engaged in learning.

Guests from Prince Edward Collegiate Institute and North Trenton elementary presented examples their Say One Nice Thing campaign. SONT was created as result of listening to students who said that saying ‘hello’ or asking how they were doing would help them to feel included and like they belong at school. This is the second year of SONT and it is featured on a Ministry of Education website as an example of best practices to promote well-being.

Prince Edward Collegiate Institute principal Darren McFarlane is helping to lead safe schools initiatives at a system-wide level. He introduced the board to PECI teacher Greer Koutroulides and students Abby and Brooke.

They talked about the tremendous success of the SONT initiative at PECI last fall. The Entrepreneurship class led actions that fit seamlessly with the school improvement plan and community activities.

Examples of SONT actions at PECI included a message wall featuring student literacy activities, SONT posters featuring students’ use of Twitter and social media to promote student actions; creation of large banners with caring messages for positive awareness within the school and a drama performance called “Am I in Trouble?” featuring short vignettes about healthy relationships.

The students also told about their SONT program featuring a visit by the ‘Royal Kindness Ninjas’ (students) from Queen Victoria School and PECI students who blitzed the community to spread the kindness messages. They also explained how the school supports fellow students who are ill and away from school.

They ended their presentation sharing the news of the creation of a new Panther Ambassador Club which welcomes students who are new to the school.

North Trenton told how students took turns helping younger students becoming their “superfriends” during lunch and recess. They also featured bulletin boards with kind messages and shared pictures and songs at a school assembly.

PECI and North Trenton schools shared their Say One Nice Thing campaign initiatives with the Board of Education on Monday. Jennifer Cobb Twitter photo.

PECI and North Trenton schools shared their Say One Nice Thing campaign initiatives with the Board of Education on Monday. Jennifer Cobb Twitter photo.

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