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PECI voters chose NDP with Conservative and Green neck-and-neck

Conservative minority, NDP opposition predicted by 500,000 under age voters

Prince Edward Hastings students casting ballots as part of Student Vote’s fourth federal parallel election project mirrored the local vote – except locally, Patrick Larkin, of the Green Party placed third, over Liberal Peter Tinsley.
In the riding’s schools, 2902 students voted. The Conservative Party’s Daryl Kramp ended with 1094 votes; the New Democratic Party’s Mike McMahon had 725 votes, followed by the Green’s Patrick Larkin with 553 and the Liberal’s Peter Tinsley with 400. Independent candidate Tim Hickey gained 87 nods while Progressive Canadian candidate Andrew Skinner was chosen 43 times.
The 442 high school students who voted at PECI chose McMahon – with 192 votes – over Kramp – with 99 votes. Larkin was neck and neck for second spot having received 98 votes.  Tinsley received 38 votes; Hickey 11 votes and Skinner, four votes.
Across the country, half a million young Canadians under the voting age cast ballots electing a Conservative-minority government and NDP opposition.
After learning about the democratic process, researching the political party platforms, hosting candidate town halls and debating the future of the country, students cast their Student Vote ballots for local candidates. Results were reported for 512,175 ballots from 3,416 schools in 299 electoral districts across Canada.
The Conservatives won 128 seats – increasing their seat count from 102 in 2008, and increasing their take of total votes cast from 25.6 to 30.8 per cent. This marks the party’s best showing to date and the third straight Student Vote election won.

The NDP won 113 seats – forming the official opposition for the third straight Student Vote election. In their strongest showing to date, they increased their take of the popular vote from 22.9 to 25.9 per cent.

The Liberals took 48 seats – close to the 51 they won in 2008. Their per cent of the popular vote increased from 18.6 to 19.9 per cent.

The Green Party won five seats – a dramatic loss compared to the 41 they won in 2008. Their per cent of the popular vote dropped from 23.8 to 17.3 per cent.

In Quebec, the Bloc Québécois won five seats – 28 seats less than in 2008 and their worst showing ever. They were dominated in Quebec by the NDP who took 40 per cent of votes cast in the province – double the Bloc Québécois’ tally.

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