Pedestrian struck by vehicle on Picton Main
Administrator | Jul 18, 2018 | Comments 21
A female crossing Main Street Picton, near Bridge Street, was struck by a vehicle Wednesday, July 18 at around 11:50 a.m.
She was taken to the hospital in Picton with non-life threatening injuries.
Prince Edward OPP are continuting their investigation. Police urge pedestrians to use posted crosswalks and to watch out for vehicle traffic.
Filed Under: Local News
About the Author:
We must not only focus on pedestrian traffic but also consider frustrated drivers when pedestrians/cyclists disobey signs/laws or are simply absent common sense. This and any similar accident is very disturbing. This consideration must also focus on providing an alternative route for traffic, specifically fifth wheels, tractor trailers, large camping trailers and the like. Is there any reason the county couldn’t provide a B line access route to reduce the volume of traffic impeding main street – why must everything travel down main street Picton? I believe there are other options, and will in turn preserve the well being and safety of pedestrians and drivers all the same.
I may be mistaken, but I believe Reserve Lands are owned by First Nations and not the Federal Government. We traded Reserve Lands in exchange for other lands the country wanted from First Nations.
Agreed, Wynand, or at Ross Street in front of the Regent, still a long walk.
I understand from the OPP that the County (Robert McAuley) is responsible for street signs, speed limits, etc on County roads. The OPP only enforces.
Here are a few important facts about political behaviour.
I spent 40 years protecting people against nuclear risks, and working as a community activist in human rights and public safety. I’ve studied safety culture in both industry and government, and the MTO has no safety culture.
What’s worse, (some of) our elected officials are even less interested in public safety, so they blindly supported the MTO’s unsafe bridge deck replacement on the Skyway. Only after my hard-nosed challenge did the MTO finally, reluctantly admit that the Skyway Bridge was not safe for cyclists and pedestrians. The Skyway Bridge fiasco revealed who really cares and protects us.
The MTO misspent a big chunk of their budget on an unwanted bridge in Belleville, and does not have the 200 million for a safe bridge and they are cheating us. They tried to cover it up in their presentation on the Skyway Bridge repair by diverting the public from safety issues. The MTO intentionally deceived the public by avoiding any presentation on bridge safety. They talked about anti-earthquake protection for the bridge, but they actually REFUSED to discuss traveller safety on the bridge in public. They asked me to submit something in writing to avoid any open public discussions about public safety. Each year about 4,000 pedestrians are hit by motorists in Ontario, and about 100 of us die from our injuries. That’s more preventable deaths than deaths due to terrorism, and yet we sit back and allow government to tell us that these victims of inadequate poor road safety don’t matter.
Susan: That’s my point. If the Province does not consider the section of Hwy 33 within town boundaries as part of the highway, then they have no right to dictate what Council decides to do about signals and crosswalks.
If they are demanding studies before anything is done, (what would we ever do without a study or three!!), then they must consider it IS part of the highway. It follows then that the Province should maintain it year round and clear it in the winter. What am I missing here?
Susan – you are right about me wrongly calling County Rd. 49 a highway – it used to be until the Harris government downloaded it onto the municipality. There was no consideration given by the provincial government of that day, as to what the long term impact would be on municipalities, or what can they afford over the long haul. As we know, #49 is only one road needing attention. And now we are confronted with the fall-out – expensive roads to repair and a host of related safety issues that the public have to deal with.
Susan the land on the other side of the bridge is owned by the Crown like all reserve lands in Canada.
Wish it was a “Highway” Dennis. Unfortunately just a county road. Wonder why it becomes a highway again once you cross the bridge?
As a wanna-be golfer, I have always wondered why golfers are always facing the challenge of crossing Hwy 49, without any traffic aid – in a golf cart!?
Sorry forgot to say , I’m questioning why they have authority unless it’s related to the connecting link . As well we have a deputation from our OPP on Thursday addressing pedestrian safety .
I believe MTO only plow and treat Hwy 33 to the town limits at Cold Storage Rd.
I’m assuming from Mayor Quaiff’s comments that the MTO considers Main Street part of Highway 33 since they claim jurisdiction over signals and crosswalks. If this is the case, I trust they are paying to maintain and repave the Main Street portion within the town boundaries when necessary, and also paying for it to be cleared of snow in Winter. They can’t have it both ways. It’s either part of Hwy 33 or it isn’t. If it isn’t, Council has every right to put signals and crosswalks wherever it deems them necessary.
Thanks Mayor Quaiff for your comments – much appreciated!
I get it when roads, people, speeding and traffic volume become a problem – there is no quick fix. But these problems are not new -how long do people have to wait for at least a start on these problems? Not all of these problems require MTO involvement – police can help with the speeding issues, a public awareness program can help with speeding and aggressive driving issues too, a citizen reporting system can also be helpful, simple things like keeping sight lines clear and keeping grass, trees and bushes cut back can also significantly reduce risks for bith drivers and pedestrians. Local public safety can’t be left to the Province to solve – those guys take forever.
Glad to see Mayor Quaiff is tuning in. To MTO I say “Screw Em” A can of paint and a roller,add a crossing guard like the one placed at the bottom of the town hill and Bobs your uncle! That unfortunate injury the other day is just the beginning. Jaywalking is illegal but when most of business is west of Paul St.. who is going to walk an extra 1/4 mile to cross the Main street.If your asking a senior or physically challenged person to walk that distance forget about it. A smart liability lawyer is going to make you rich.
We inquired with MTO about signalizing this intersectionwhen Main Street was rebuilt . They will not change the arrangement without a full study . They will also not permit markings for a pedestrian crossing . Any crossing must be a formal signal or crossover, which they will not allow without the study . We installed the temporary traffic lights where we did gather data in an attempt to show them signals can work , but to no avail. Aside from a specific examination like we’re doing for Bloomfield and Wellington we are looking to the Master Transportation Study for input . We’ll ask Jewel for a price to add this to their approved work . MTO is meeting with staff next week for a meeting , and we’ll raise the issue again.
Mayor Robert Quaiff
It is time a new crosswalk is added on the stretch of Main St between the town hill and Paul St before someone gets killed…….or does a similar fatality have to occur such as happened in Wellington before council reacts?
Traffic safety needs to become a priority for our council – there are simply too many speeders and aggressive drivers in PEC.
On a number of occasions, I have approached my two councillors and the Mayor about the speeding in Northport. Despite the speed of 50 kph being posted, traffic regularly goes through here at well over 70 kph !! We have a good road with a few tight curves – it is only a matter of time before a person is killed here. To be fair, both the Mayor and Kevin Gale have responded and are trying – the other councillor runs in the opposite direction from this problem – ain’t that just grreat?
Speed display signs seem to work here – but due to financial restraints, they are moved after a couple of weeks – and the problem soon returns. I am told repeatedly that there is no money for permanent display signs and the police cannot monitor the traffic regularly. My response to both is, why not? Police we have, money we don’t have – so what is the solution here? Do residents have to become traffic enforcers? Seriously, the problem demands attention – so how do we get it?
Public safety should be beyond an election issue -it should be an expected and delivered service, outside out political rhetoric. I would rather see my tax dollars spent on public safety than on promoting tourism, or on trips to South Africa. What are the priorities here in PEC?
Is it not utterly ridiculous that there is not a crosswalk to allow access to our Municipal Building. It is beyond me how this meets provincial accessibility standards.
The first duty of government is to protect its citizens, yet County government has had over 225 years to grow a safety culture, yet it has failed to launch a County road safety program because of alack of ethical leadership. When will this County move forward into the 21st century?
If I understand the situation, her closest crosswalk was at the fairgrounds, a long walk.