Picton among regional sites for pot production facility
Administrator | Jan 10, 2018 | Comments 19
Toronto-based Neucrop Growers Canada, a pre-licensed Ontario cannabis producer, is scheduled to make a presentation to Prince Edward County’s committee of the whole Thursday. The company is seeking an answer to level of interest in a two-acre site, with or without a stand-alone building, to produce cannabis beverages, edibles and topical creams to meet the growing demand for medicinal and recreational cannabis.
The company has short listed Picton’s Industrial Park for a potential site, along with Belleville’s Industrial Park, Quinte West, Brighton, Parry Sound and Niagara.
In his presentation, Paul Gillespie says Neucrop wants to operate a processing lab that will provide a strong workforce – initially 12 good paying “lab coat” jobs, construction jobs, an ongoing lab technician and full and part-time processor and agricultural jobs. A site with the best appeal to Health Canada will have expansion opportunities, strong municipal services and could be an existing building with a minimum footprint of 15,000 square feet, expandable to 65,000 or more square feet.
He notes applications to Health Canada are based on address, making site location of prime importance. Health Canada licence regulations are expected to be finalized as early as this month, with new licence regulations to follow.
Municipalities, Gillespie says, receive 75 per cent of federal tax revenues.
The site would not be accessed by the public. No sales or tours would be allowed and the company, he said, would have a strictly controlled, high security building that only allows persons with Health Canada Security Clearance on the site.
Neucrop states negative aspects to the proposed site in Picton’s industrial park include being within 500 metres of Prince Edward Collegiate Institute, Sonrise Christian Academy. The area is also in the vicinity of The Hub Child and Family Centre and Highland Shores Children’s Aid Society. As a result, the municipality must approve and support the application in order for Health Canada to consider the site.
Cons of the project in Picton also listed are “relatively expensive land cost at $45,000 per acre, compared with $25,000 per acre in Parry Sound, Niagara and Belleville”. Being a relatively remote location is listed as both a pro and con. The report also states Belleville has fully serviced sites at discounted prices. Belleville also promises speedy approvals, funding opportunities and fast construction.
If council has interest, and is willing to consider an offer on the property, letters of support from council, the fire and police departments will be requested to be enclosed with the application to Health Canada.
Recreational cannabis will be legalized in Canada as of this July, and 70 licensed producer licences have already been granted under the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations.
Filed Under: Local News
About the Author:
Throwing money or benefits at a new sector in order to encourage job opportunities locally is good, providing we do adequate due diligence on it’s environmental impact during production/ cultivation and that we follow-up to ensure that jobs that could be sourced locally are done so. Grants have been given to a number of projects over the years which have produced no tangible job growth and only lined the pockets of those who received the grants. Headlines when they are launched… buried when they fail.
Everyone’s running to the drug trade industry. Cash cow for government’s. Can’t beat em join em.
Dave H. I believe the property you are talking about is the one they are looking at.
The weed haters need not worry. The industry could never afford the water bill. Latest bill delivered today is utterly unbelievable!
Weed is here for good now. Not meaning being produced commercially here. It is produced here however.
If you drive by our Industrial Park you will find a foundation of a building that was supposed to be for a building to make solar panels. The council bent over backwards and gave concessions for this pie in the sky venture. Do we have another one on the horizon?
I have never found brownies,chocolates or most creams to be an offensive smell.
If you take a look at their video on their website they talk of cultivation and also processing. Not sure where the ‘devices’ come in… they talk of edibles, chocolate, baked goods and also topical creams.
Tech2. They are not growing Marijuana. They are manufacturing devices
No one so far on council has asked any questions relating to the environmental impact of this sector. The internet has some horror stories relating to the smells emanating from outdoor, or greenhouse growing operations. I think we need to ensure that this operation or those like it, do not start to divide communities again, much like the wind turbine issues have. The twelve high paying jobs will be sourced from the county…. surely we would need to know the qualifications required before we can accept the guarantee from the company that these will be filled with local people. This is being legalized, so there are some good opportunities, but not all of those seeking to exploit these will do so with communities in mind. Council or planning need to ensure that they know the rules regarding cultivation and processing, and the likely impact on those living and working around these facilities.
Thanks Dennis. Continue to provide insight.
Well thank you all very much for the compliment, but I think I’ll give running for council a pass. First, I did run for PEC council back in 2006 and lost by about 50 votes – so I do care enough about my community to give it a try. Plus, I did spend 15 years on Council in the previous community I once lived in, plus 8 years as president of a very active ratepayers group- where I spent every Monday night attending council meeting before ever getting elected. I ain’t bragging about this – but just trying to explain that as much as I find municipal government fascinating to follow(and still do), running for office again doesn’t interest me anymore. Plus, what needs to be done to get this council back on track would take daily battling for four years. My life and health are worth more than this – but I do try to do what I can by writing. Thanks again!
I have to agree. Picton’s representatives have been very weak.
Dennis would be a welcome addition. I know both Picton Councillors platformed on water rate control as we were approaching the highest in Canada. The result was additional 5% increases for the next 4 years. Their interest seems to be the arts, wineries,and more tourism. Great for the visitors but does nothing for locals striving.
That pretty much hits the nail on the head. Looking forward to Dennis taking a run for Council.
This issue of legalizing grass rests with the feds – once the law passes (and it will) then producing the product and selling it will be legal. So what is our Council concerned about? There was a time when selling booze and gambling were illegal – sure there are associated problems – but they can be controlled and help is available for those who need it. Look at Belleville and their casino – today they announced that the city will collect, by the end of January, over $3 million in payments for the first year, just for having it there. This isn’t a moral issue for Council to deal with – it is a planning and business issue. Provided that this industry can fit into the location, without any detrimental impact on the surrounding area – then Council should go for it. Snooze you lose!
Agreed. Dither and wait for a staff report. By the time we react the company has moved on to more receptive municipalities with way lower development charges.
Same old. same old. consult to death until someone else snaps it up. No wonder no industry wants to work in the county. Marijuana goes well with wine just ask most your winery owners.
No wonder our industrial park sits empty $45k per acre as apposed to Belleville’s fully serviced sites at $25k per acre.