Picton Home Hardware e-waste events support County’s hospital
Administrator | Aug 23, 2017 | Comments 0
Picton Home Hardware has made its first gift to the new hospital campaign thus staking their claim on being the first business to publicly commit to supporting the proposed redevelopment of Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital. Adam and Chrissy Busscher, owners of the Picton store handed over $1,305.24 raised at an electronics recycling event to Foundation staff member Briar Boyce. The funds will be restricted to support the hospital redevelopment campaign.
The couple also recognized the tireless and enthusiastic efforts of e-waste event co-ordinator Linda Ryan who organizes the recycling events at the store and avidly supports the hospital. The Busschers also thanked their staff members who volunteer at the events.
Got a clunky old TV or computer to ditch? Picton Home Hardware will host a free electronics recycling event in their parking lot this Saturday and Sunday, 9 am until 4 pm. This weekend’s e-waste event will also support the hospital redevelopment efforts. Home Hardware will be hosting various events at their store in the future to support the new hospital campaign as plans continue to unfold.
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