Picton hospital welcomes Remington as first baby of 2012
Administrator | Jan 03, 2012 | Comments 0
Fran Donaldson, President of the PECM Hospital Auxiliary, and Vice-President, Nancy Finnegan, present a christening cup to new parents Jessica Gibeau and James Leavitt of Picton. Their son, Remington Scott (8 ½ pounds) was born on the afternoon of New Year’s Day in Picton Hospital. Proud grandparents are Susan and Lynn Leavitt of East Lake and Bernie and Lillian Boileau of Cornwall. “The nurses pointed out that it has been several years since a baby was born on New Year’s Day in our hospital, making this a really special event,” said Donaldson. “Too often, the hospital is the scene of pain and suffering. It’s wonderful that our hospital is here when we need it in sad and trying times, and it is all the more precious that we start this new year by welcoming a new life. We offer our very best wishes to baby Remington and his family.”
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