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Picton Main reconstruction continues April 1

The reconstruction of Picton Main Street from Division Street to 300 metres north of McFarland Drive is set to begin Monday, April 1.

The project includes installation of new underground infrastructure including watermains, sanitary sewers, and storm sewers. It also includes roadway reconstruction with new concrete curb and gutters, concrete sidewalks, and a new asphalt roadway surface.

RW Tomlinson Limited, the contractor for the project, is to complete the work in two phases to minimize the impact to pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

Phase 1: April 1 – July 15
The first phase will be from Division Street to McFarland Drive.

Traffic impact during Phase 1:
Through traffic on Picton Main Street between Johnson Street and McFarland Drive will be detoured along Johnson Street. MacSteven Drive and McFarland Drive.
Picton Main Street will be open to local traffic between Johnson Street and Division Street.
Access to properties between Division Street and McFarland Drive will be maintained.

Phase 2: July 15 – Nov. 29
The second phase will be from McFarland Drive to 300 metres north.

Traffic impact during Phase 2:
Picton Main Street will be open to through traffic south of McFarland Drive.

Through traffic on Picton Main Street north of McFarland Drive will be restricted to one traffic lane during construction with traffic signals in operation.

For more information contact the County of Prince Edward at 613.476.2148 ext. 1023, 613.962.9108 ext. 1023, or

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