Picton resident who didn’t lock it, almost lost vehicle and goods inside
Administrator | Nov 07, 2017 | Comments 0
Following an incident Sunday, Prince Edward OPP are reminding County residents that thefts of motor vehicles, and their contents, are one of the most preventable crimes that occur.
Shortly after midnight Nov. 5, a Picton resident watching television saw two youths cross his front yard. The resident went outside to investigate, but the youths had run off. The complainant checked his unlocked vehicle, found it had been entered and called police.
Two youths matching the description provided by the resident were located a short distance away and were identified as the ones who had entered the complainant’s vehicle.
PEC Cst. Kim Guthrie reports the youths admitted that when they saw the keys inside the vehicle they had considered stealing it, but instead stole some items they found inside. The items were returned to their owner.
The youths were dealt with accordingly within the parameters of the Youth Criminal Justice Act and returned home.
Filed Under: Local News
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