County stops traffic in One Billion Rising campaign
Administrator | Feb 15, 2013 | Comments 16
Prince Edward County residents stopped traffic Thursday night in support of a global movement to end violence against women.
About 100 participants met outside the Picton Branch Public Library and danced, carried placards or watched in support of the One Billion Rising event organized by Christine Renaud. Rallies were held in 203 countries.
The One Billion Rising campaign began as a call to action based on the statistic that one in three women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. With the world population at seven billion, this adds up to more than one billion daughters, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, lovers and friends.
The event was the largest day of action in the history of V-Day, a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls that raises funds and awareness through benefit productions of playwright/founder Eve Ensler’s award-winning play The Vagina Monologues, and other artistic works.
Renaud said she hoped the event would bring attention to violence in our own community and to help empower women to “Break the Chain” which is also the name of the song for the campaign.
She hosted a few rehearsal nights and told the crowd she was thrilled with the success of the event.
“Wow! I don’t even know where to begin to tell you all how awesome that rally and flashmob was,” she said. “Thanks so much to all that came out… As fun as that all was, please, let’s remember too how serious of an issue this is and that we must end violence against women and girls!”
Filed Under: Arts & Culture • Featured Articles
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Great job!!! So proud of the people of Picton.
Very inspiring and was happy to have been able to participate in delivering such a very important message…..thanks to all the women who were out there dancing and to those who work towards ending violence towards women each and every day.
Amazing! Great video! Lets do it again!
PICTON: small town; big heart; cool!
Very powerful – wonderful spirit 🙂
A fantastic dance ladies and a very proud moment for one and all, congratulations…..
That was awesome Picton. Loved It!!
Wow! So proud of my hometown peeps for the awesome support of One Billion Rising — kudos to Christine Renaud for stepping up!
Overwhelmingly Awsome!!!! very powerful message!
I love County females even more today than yesterday…keep on dancing girls, you rock!
great job also by you Christine!! many thanks!!
That was amazing and really touched my heart
I thank you from the bottom of my heart County Live for the amazing video coverage of our flashmob rally to help end violence against women. Always the best news coverage from two amazing women!
Congratulations Picton for getting involved! I watched you, in my home town of Picton, from across the planet in Malaysia, with such a smile! Yes to One Billion Rising! Thank you for taking a part of history!
Absolutely fabulous display of support in Picton for One Billion Rising!! Way to go ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! You had the dance down pat, and your enthusiasm was awesome – what a thrill for those of us who were watching! 🙂 Huge kudos to all of you for making the effort to learn the moves and make signs, and special thanks to Christine Renault for organizing this event for such a worthy cause. <3