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County’s named a top performing hospital in Ontario

The PECMH Auxiliary, enormously proud of Picton hospital's staff, and all nurses and doctors for their achievement. Above, Carolynn Whiteley, Director of In-Hospital Services, presents a certificate of appreciation to Nancy Andrews, Team Leader, Inpatient Unit, and Rick Markland, Team Leader, Support Services.

The PECMH Auxiliary, enormously proud of Picton hospital’s staff, and all nurses and doctors for their achievement. Above, Carolynn Whiteley, Director of In-Hospital Services, presents a certificate of appreciation to Nancy Andrews, Team Leader, Inpatient Unit, and Rick Markland, Team Leader, Support Services.

Staff and physicians at the County’s hospital in Picton are being recognized for outstanding care and services in a top performing hospital in Ontario.

In a recent report by the National Research Corporation (NRC) and the Ontario Hospital Association (OHA), the Inpatient Acute Care unit at Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital has been named “top performing hospital in Ontario for overall care in acute inpatient care in community hospitals” and is in the 90th percentile in all hospitals combined (includes all small community and academic hospitals).

The PECMH emergency department was also ranked in the 90th percentile in the “Would Recommend” category and “Overall Care” category in community hospitals and all hospitals combined. The emergency department at Trenton Memorial Hospital also ranked in the 90th percentile in the “Overall Care” category for community hospitals.

The rankings are based on patient experience surveys completed between April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012.

Team efforts of staff at QHC PECMH and TMH are being credited for the high patient experience survey results.

“These results could not have been possible without the efforts of all our staff,” said Lisa Mowbray, manager of patient services at Picton. “Our staff work hard to assist our patients and help to create a positive experience for everyone who walks through our doors.  Whether it’s delivering a meal tray, taking blood or simply smiling and saying ‘good morning’ it is the collective efforts of everyone who helps that contribute toward a positive patient experience,” she added.

This is the second year the NRC and OHA have released an annual report which highlights Ontario hospitals with excellent performance ratings based on patient perceptions.

“We have always known that the health care team at our hospital provides the highest standards of patient care,” said Leo Finnegan, president of the PECMH Foundation. “This National Research Corporation of Canada study of patients’ ratings confirms that our hospital is a “top performer” acute care community hospital in Ontario. It’s proof positive that the work the foundation does to raise funds for the medical equipment and facilities to support patient care at our hospital is worth every dollar that is donated. We thank the people of Prince Edward County for their donations and ask that you give generously to help us keep superior patient care in the County,” said Finnegan.

Jeff Hohenkerk, QHC vice-president, said the results are a true testament of the hard work and extra efforts that staff, physicians and volunteers make to create an exceptional experience for patients.

“To be named top performer and receive such high rankings in the other areas proves that the teams have been living our values and are respecting our patients, always striving to improve and treating our patients with compassion and care,” he said.

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Kim Parker says:

    Any time I have ever required care at the Picton Emerg. the speed, care and overall moral in this place has impressed the socks off me!!!
    Bigger is not always better and it’s obvious to me that the people who are working here are here because they care!!!
    A small town hospital to make us all proud and feel secure that when we need help…WE GET IT.
    N’uff said, THANK YOU xo

  2. Olmanonthemtn says:

    We lost a dear stepmother to cancer several years ago and I can not overstate the quality of care she received and the support we experienced, all staff worked as a professional compassionate team. We always left her room with a sense of security that she was in the hands of competent care-givers. This recognition shows that this quality continues. The QUALITY OF CARE is THE CHARACTERISTIC of Picton Memorial that QHC must appreciate in making any decisions about our hospital it helps explain our PASSION for preserving it

    “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”

    WILLIAM A. FOSTER, quoted in Igniting the Spirit at Work: Daily Reflections

  3. Wolf Braun says:

    Not surprising that PECMH received this honour. Well done and congratulations to the wonderful people at the hospital who work so hard to serve all residents of The County.

  4. Dr Paul Adamthwaite says:

    My heartfelt appreciation and warmest congratulations to the volunteers, doctors, nurses, staff and community members for this entirely deserved recognition.

    Nearly one hundred years ago, eighty eight County people became the founding members of our first hospital on Hill Street (now closed by bureaucratic regulations); early during World War Two, our hospital was the first in Canada to administer penicillin, specially flown in by the Royal Air Force; in 1959, the new Memorial Hospital opened, thanks in large part to community fundraising, and on land donated by Harvey McFarland. At a very personal level, my wife was the first “candy-striper” at the new hospital.

    Skip a few years to the 1990s and more bureaucracy — “amalgamation.” Here in the County we organized the first “email campaign” to have our voices heard; politicians complained bitterly that their in-boxes were swamped with fifty messages a day that we typed up from community input. Deputations went to Queens Park; public meetings were held; songs to “save our hospital” were written; but despite enormous efforts QHC was born.

    For my “sins” of attempting to save our community hospital, I was given, for the next six years, Orders in Council to represent the County on the vastly expanded District Health Council. Sometimes a very frustrating occupation, there was some success; I look back with pride at the minor role I played in getting the dialysis clinic approved, funded and opened. But the bureaucratic writing was on the wall, we councilors were too outspoken, and the South Eastern Ontario District Health Council was shut down in favour of the LHIN, bureaucrats replacing community volunteers.

    And now? I know from family and friends, anecdotaly from the community at large, and from personal knowledge, that we have the best community hospital in Ontario. Lives have been saved and much suffering mitigated. It always has been, and must be maintained that way. To hear that the National Research Corporation and the Ontario Hospital Association have confirmed this is good news (although not surprising) so let us use this recognition to bolster our efforts in safeguarding County health care.

    Again, my sincerest appreciation and congratulations to all the professionals and volunteers involved.

  5. Jacqui says:

    I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease by a well informed local doctor at this hospital earlier this summer. I had all the symptoms and the bulls eye rash after being bitten by a tick. I will be forever grateful that I was diagnosed and treated so quickly.

  6. wk says:

    For over four years I have been receiving regular blood transfusions in the inpatient unit at Picton Hospital, so I have considerable experience of the kind of service and care the nurses and staff there provide.
    This recognition is fully deserved!
    Some reasons: They work hard as hell; constantly cooperate and help each other; take the time to treat patients like people and always have a kind word for them.
    To Nancy and the whole team, thank you and congrats!

  7. Janet Doyle says:

    Maybe its time that QHC and LHIN started giving back to PECMH. Our hospital does not need to be shut down or any more services taken away, if anything it needs to be expanded.
    Amazing job PECMH, Congrats.

  8. Lennie says:

    QHC & LHIN take note — you could learn from PECMH

  9. Brenda says:

    I am a seasonal Pictonite..and I have used the emergency room service a few times with family members. I have only great things to say about their service and nursing care.It is a great hospital and I congratulate them with this honour. Keep up the great work you do..cheers Mrs B.(retired nurse)

  10. Jennifer says:

    QHC could learn from this hospital. My last stay was an emergency where I was sent to Belleville for tests. When my tests proved negative I was abandoned without care awaiting transport back to Picton. Ended up getting driven back to Picton and was given immediate care. Picton is a great hospital with fantastic staff. We are very fortunate!

  11. argyle says:

    No thanks to QHC or the LHIN. Great job PECMH!

  12. Angela says:

    I have had nothing but outstanding care and service from PEMCH. I delivered my baby there in September 2012 and am beyond thankful to have been able to give birth to my daughter in the same hospital that I was born in. The doctors, nurses and staff in Picton are absolutely wonderful. I live outside of The County now and have taken my daughter to Belleville 2 different times to emerg. I have since taken her to Picton and will continue to do so, the care and consideration are beyond compare between the two. Congratulations staff at PEMCH and many thanks.

  13. aa says:

    Many ppl come down from belleville to go to the picton hospital. They even said its worth the drive. Very helpful, caring and way better service at the picton hospital. Good Job Picton Hospital!!!

  14. Doris Lane says:

    And with all that they want to shut us down.
    We have state of the art equipment in the OR now–lets hope it stays there
    Have heard a member of QHC thinks the people in Prince Edward are behind times. Maybe it is the other way around
    I think BGh could take some lessons from Picton.

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