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Playground equipment replacement over budget

UPDATE: Council doesn’t want to pay $24,892 more to remove old playground equipment and prepare each park site.

It requested operations staff find a cost-efficient way to do the job before the installation of the equipment next spring.

“We’re looking for 10 per cent reductions in the coming budget,” reminded councillor Jamie Forrester. “Find time or use overtime for weekends. What would that cost $5-$10,000? Twenty-five thousand to remove equipment and move sand around is ridiculous. This should never have come to council.”

Councillor Janice Maynard’s note that volunteers have offered assistance was dismissed due to liability related to equipment use.

Councillors Andreas Bolik and Forrester stated the in future, across all departments, they want to see more options presented in reports from staff to create efficiencies.

Council will examine spending just over $205,000 to replace equipment at three County playgrounds.

Six bids were received to replace playground equipment at Roblin Lake in Ameliasburgh, Fawcetteville in Picton and Westfall Park in Carrying Place.

Staff is presenting Playground Planners as the chosen contract, but note a budget increase of almost $25,000 will be needed to complete the design, supply and installation of the three projects.

The three parks include some equipment more than 20 years old that have been recommeded, in recent formal inspections, for complete removal due to age and non-compliance.

Budgets were approved in 2018 and 2019 for replacement of the three playgrounds and while all proposed designs are under budget for each location, site preparation and removal of equipment at each site was not accounted.

It was assumed staff would be available to do the work, said Tanya Delaney in her report to Thursday’s Committee of the Whole. With the early onset of winter, staff not longer has the resources to do the planned removals.

With site preparation being completed by the contractor the cost for Roblin Lake would be $73,373; for Westfall Park $83,346 and for Fawcetteville, $73,173 for a total over budget for the three of $24,892.

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