Plenty of fun at the Picton Fair – more photos!
Administrator | Sep 09, 2012 | Comments 9
The Picton Fair opened and closed in sunshine and despite heavy rain Saturday morning, the show went on.
“The Prince Edward Agricultural Society has proudly showcased the best produce, livestock, home crafts and many other talents of the County for the past 177 years,” said Larry Everall, society president. “The Agricultural Society endeavours to mix tradition with something new and interesting as times change. This year, from the 4H displays to the midway and livestock shows to the tractor pull, demolition derby and wrestling match, we have something for everyone.”
Everall thanked the volunteers, exhibitors and local merchants “for your incredible support which makes the fair such a successful community event.”
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That sounds about right Doris. I was told that a few years ago a former Picton resident who had lived and worked in another larger community retired back here. He was a driving force in a highly successful fair in his adopted community so after he came back to the county someone asked him to offer a few ideas for Picton fair. He did so but not one of his suggestions was used. Read your prize book and you will see that there are aometimes up to three members of one family on a committee. Can’t be much democracy there.
I understand there was a new member on the fair board who made suggestions that were shot down. I should say that is what someone told me.
Well you’d be wrong Mark. Historically there have never been many new faces on that board. It’s always been a tight-knit group. They do the same things the same way year after year. It’s time for them to take a hard look at the fair and bring in some new blood. After charging people $8 to attend that sorry little exhibition board members should not be too surprised about any complaints.
The post by At shows you why you should never post anything after last call.
Rather than complain on County Live take some positive action. I am certain the Fair Board are looking for members and one’s with new fresh ideas.
Picton fair has been on a downward slide for several years and the admission price is ridiculous. You can see the whole fair in half an hour or less. Every year there are the same tired old exhibits. The fair board needs to get on the ball and look for a few new attractions. It would be better to give free space to some community groups and clubs for displays instead of having so many gaps in the arena and the curling club. The fair should be for everybody but at the prices they charge that’s not how it is. Time for a shake-up. They could take lessons from Milford fair.
Its “stupid” and you probably don’t need to be calling anyone else it.
The Picton Fair fond memories although I didn’t attend this year I did take a walk through this Monday morning.I couldn’t help but think to myself that desperate times call for desperate measures when I noticed a uniformly thick coating of grease across the top of the gates at the end of Disraeli St. (go have a look for yourself), but then it occured to me what if someone slips and falls trying to sneak into the fair because of the grease. Hopefully things went off well.
Why the hell did the fair cost 8 dollars to get in how stuiped don’t you think it should be cheaper or free because of all the money that people spend at the fair it is pretty sad when Belleville fair is 5 dollars to get in and so much more to do people need to change the ways what is it going to be next year 15 to get in every one says they don’t got any money the county says they got no money where dose all the money go from the fair 100 people times 8 is 800 there was a lot more people then that this fair is getting so stuiped so much money for smaller and smaller each year more money should mean big and big
Who ever decided on price is so stuiped