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Praise from the Premier on County’s water emergency

Mayor Robert Quaiff speaking to Premier Kathleen Wynne in Toronto, in 2015.

Premier Kathleen Wynne praised Prince Edward County Mayor Robert Quaiff, his council, staff, and all involved, for their efforts during the ongoing State of Emergency.

In a personal call to Quaiff Friday afternoon, Wynne was also checking up on services provided by various provincial agencies during the precautionary Boil Water Advisory issued March 30 for users of the local drinking water system, and lifted a week later, Thursday, April 6, following testing to show the water meets provincial water quality standards.

“She asked if there was anything I needed from her government and she also wanted to know if we received sufficient services by the various ministries involved,” said Quaiff, who noted he shared praise for all involved.

“She gave myself, council and all staff praise for the professionalism and care we took in protecting our residents’ health, safety and well-being. A lot of eyes were watching and everyone agreed we were a model others can learn from.”

Quaiff, during the media conference with the County’s Emergency Control Group last Thursday, said the ‘State of Emergency’ status continues and water sampling continues at a higher frequency than normal “until we are confident there is no longer a heightened risk of contamination.”

McKeil Marine, which led the salvage operation of a partially submerged barge in Picton Bay, has retained Pinchin Ltd., an environmental, engineering, health and safety consulting firm, to develop a water monitoring program, as required by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Control.

A report is expected early next week.

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Gary says:

    “Anything I can do?” Cleanup the cess pool of Picton Harbour. I wouldn’t want to be a Picton Bay property owner right now. Between the hype of the Terminal and now a much wider understanding of the state of the Harbour with past pollutants, whose buying. County folk wouldn’t walk let alone swim in the Bay. Knew that over 50 years ago.

  2. Dennis Fox says:

    I just read on the Quinte News site that along with this praise was a cheque from the province for over $700K for infrastructure on the treatment plant. Maybe the start for a new intake pipe?

  3. Chris Keen says:

    “She asked if there was anything I needed from her government…”

    How about cancelling the Amherst Island and wpd IWT projects, Kathleen? Save the birds using a major migratory flyway through our area and $100s of millions on power we don’t need. Win, win.

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