Pre-capital request for new County hospital on LHIN agenda
Administrator | Dec 14, 2014 | Comments 5
UPDATE: LHIN directors approved the motion, calling it an first step in what is believed to be a decade-long project. QHC is now looking at property.
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A pre-capital request from Quinte Health Care toward the redevelopment of Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital is on the agenda for the South East LHIN board of directors meeting in Belleville Monday morning.
Paul Huras, LHIN CEO, is to recommend the board endorse the submission with the proviso that there will be no negative impact on current or future operating dollars, and front-line services as a result of the project.
The directors of the South East Local Health Integration Network are to meet in Belleville at the LHIN office, 71 Adam St. The open meeting is set for 9:30 a.m., followed by an in-camera session, after recess.
The announcement to begin what is expected to be a decade-long project to build a $50 million hospital in the County, was held in May 2014.
Last month, QHC announced a surprise funding gap leaving its four hospitals to face a $12 million shortfall. QHC had expected it would have a $7 million gap, but learned the new funding formula was being applied faster, and hitting QHC harder than expected.
QHC earlier this month cut nine jobs and more losses are expected to be announced in January.
Filed Under: Local News
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You make good points Paul. It begs the question….
… Do the reporters (for the Intel and Countylive) writing these stories ever ask questions? It looks like press releases from QHC and the LHIN are printed as is. No questions asked. For instance, as you pointed out….
Two headlines from the Intelligencer
1.”New PEC hospital clears hurdle…”
2.”Hospital closures not planned, still possible…”
It’s one big bam-boozle from the LHIN and QHC designed to bullsheet the public.
Dazzle us with BS then pull the rug out. Every decision these two entities make is NOT based on resident’s needs and NOT in the fastest and most efficient way and at a reasonable cost to us, the taxpayers. A 10 year process to “MAYBE” build a hospital in PEC ? Just using the salaries of both CEO’s (QHC & LHIN) over the next 10 years is well over 6 million cost to US, the taxpayers. That’s insane.
When and how are going to stop this charade?
A lot was said by the folks running for Mayor and Council during the election. What are they doing to keep the rug under our hospital at this very moment? Any news on that front?
Two headlines from the Intelligencer
1.New PEC hospital clears hurdle
2.Hospital closures not planned, still possible
Dazzle us with bullsheet then pull the rug out. I think your right Wolf “smoke and mirrors”
🙂 exactly
This is some story and document! 🙂 Looks to me like the briefing notes are attaced to baffle. You might just want to print the article and briefing notes to follow along. I did. Just a thought. 🙂
The entire thing is loaded with “weasel words” ! Such as….
“proviso that there will be no negative impact on current or future operating dollars and front-line services as a result of the project”… and just below that they go on to tell us that there will be more loses in January. This after years of cuts to PECMH. Stil, they want us to believe that this proviso is serious.
“a decade-long project”…. does that mean there will be a physical hospital with doors, windows and people? Just what does the word project mean? It sounds like an out for QHC & LHIN should the project run more than a decade. Does anyone remember a project run by government that came in on time and on budget? 🙂
“redevelopment of the PECMH”…. what does redevelopment mean? Why don’t they use the term “a new hospital building”? They sure like the word “redevelopment”. They use it more than once.
“This is a successful model of service delivery”…. Hmmm, I wonder how the LHIN measures success? What are the metrics to support the use of the word success?
“using HCM’s recognized methodology”… oh great! Once again they bring in high priced help at QHC and the LHIN… they go outside and hire a consulting group. Like my old boss used to say to me…”if you need to hire an outside consultant to do your job, we’ll hire them and let you go”…. wonder how much we paid them for their recognized methodology? Looks like HCM has been getting work from the MOH for decades. Good on them. 🙂
And the best for last is “the submission has been reviewed in accordance with the MOHLTC-LHIN Joint Capital Planning Toolkit” … I understood MOHLTC-LHIN (Ministry of Health Long Term Care-Local Health Integration Network.
How many reading this story and briefing understood the JCPTool Planning Kit? Well if you Google the term you’ll find it. Here’s what it says in the opening paragraph…
“What is the new Joint Review Framework for Early Capital Planning Stages? The Joint Review Framework is a new submission and review framework for the early capital planning stages. The new Framework was endorsed by Ministry Management Committee and LHIN CEOs in December 2009. The Framework separates existing requirements of the Pre-Capital, Stage 1 Proposal and Stage 2 Functional Program submissions into two parts: Part A (Program and Service elements) and Part B (Physical and Cost elements). It requires LHINs to play a critical role in advising on, and endorsing, the Program and Service elements of all capital projects. It gives LHINs greater involvement in the capital planning process and places greater importance on local health system needs and integration as a driver of health capital projects. The framework recognizes that LHINs play a critical role in the early planning stages in determining if capital initiatives are consistent with priorities for the local health system.”
Like my best friend Brian always saya “Good lord”… what a load of baffle gab. No wonder this all takes decades of bureaucracy involvement. At what salary rate? Have they never heard of “LEAD PRINCIPLES”?
LEAD PRINCIPLES clearly state that “every decision must be based on people’s (you and I) needs in the fastest and most efficient way and at a reasonable price”. Luckily there are some Ontario hospitals that are being run effectively and efficiently after having implemented LEAD PRINCIPLES.
Now if only we could do the same without all this smoke and mirrors. I swear they are convinced we’re stupid and lazy. 🙂