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Public invited to help design and develop County’s downtowns

Tom Coke

Tom Coke

The County’s revitalization of its five downtowns is moving into the design and planning phase where residents are invited to contribute to the vision of each streetscape and broader plans.

The community design component is expected to leverage the work of a landscape architecture firm, the sub-committee volunteers and a series of public meetings to help develop a detailed vision, and guidelines, for each downtown’s building façades and streetscape improvements.

“This process allows for each community to identify designs and development needs that complement the unique, existing character of each downtown while also contributing to an overall sense of place that is the County,” said Tom Coke, Downtown Revitalization Coordinator.

“The Downtown Revitalization project provides the community of Rossmore with an opportunity to strengthen its ties with other County communities,” said Teal Baverstock, co-owner of County Camo in Rossmore and member of the project steering committee. “It also presents Rossmore with an opportunity to emerge as an important gateway for all who live, work, and play in Prince Edward County.”

Coke said that in addition to this design component, the 2015 survey results will help in developing each downtown’s unique revitalization plan and overall community revitalization plan.

“Throughout the five downtowns of Picton, Bloomfield, Wellington, Consecon and Rossmore, survey results indicated that retail sales are increasing, business mixes are diverse, and businesses support cross-promotion initiatives,” he said. “The results also identified challenges associated with parking availability and the need to promote downtowns as year-round destinations. Customers and residents alike highlighted a number of businesses and services that they would like to see come to Prince Edward County.”

“Downtown Revitalization can have a positive impact on everyone who calls Consecon home,” said Bill McMahon, Consecon representative on the steering committee. “Businesses, property owners, residents and visitors to Consecon can benefit from the enhancements we can make to our own downtown.”

If residents are interested in participating in this next phase of the project involving the downtown design component and the development of individual revitalization plans, they can volunteer to serve on one of the five sub-committees by contacting Tom Coke, Downtown Revitalization Coordinator, at 613.476.2148 x 259, or email

Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else

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  1. Emily says:

    After our 8 year struggle with Council Size, I guess my question would be why would any resident want to put forth the energy and effort when past practice tells us it just doesn’t matter.

  2. Fred says:

    The Town is the engine. It requires support for the betterment of all. The water crisis also needs to be absorbed by all for needed growth. You have nothing without a commercial hub. That will take work to curb the resistance from the Ameliasburgh Trio!

  3. Susan says:

    A lot of these dumpy looking buildings need a lot more investment than a facade. These are old structures that require a lot of work and that means a lot of dollars.

  4. Marnie says:

    Interesting to see how many building owners will jump on board. I doubt they care much for “detailed visions and guidelines” for their store facades. All of this costs money and with Main Street under construction this year revenues may be down for some businesses. There was nowhere to park before and now it is even worse.

  5. Dennis Fox says:

    Can someone provide me with the information as to what they mean by the public providing “detailed visions and guidelines for each downtown building facade…?” I hope that whatever idea might be finally approved, it means that the building’s OWNER will pay for the improvements. Has the municipality arrived at such an agreement withe the owners? I suspect that a good number of them are absentee landlords – has the municipality attained their agreement to this plan as well? The idea that we all benefit from downtown improvements is nonsense. Tell me how any of this will help the poor or the homeless – or even taxpayers who need a tax break? Who will pay for these improvements?

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