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QE School teacher receives school board’s highest award

Monika Gajdosik with Hastings Prince Edward District School Board chair Dwayne Inch and Director Mandy Savery-Whiteway at the Great Place Awards.

Monika Gajdosik with Hastings Prince Edward District School Board chair Dwayne Inch and Director Mandy Savery-Whiteway at the Great Place Awards.

Monika Gajdosik was honoured with a “Great Place Award” from the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board.

Gajdosik teaches core French, drama and dance at Queen Elizabeth School, in Picton.

“She was nominated by her fellow teachers for her enthusiasm to bring learning to life and for going that extra mile for students as she shares her passion for the French Language and the arts,” said Bill Launderville, principal at the school. “She has been instrumental in events such as the French Café – a talent night, bistro and art sale that supports French instruction resources at the school.”

As well she has organized the French carnival,  which  traditionally models after the Quebec Winter Carnival and shares the love of winter and friendship.

She was also instrumental in the school’s recent presentation of the musical The Jungle Book.

“This play involved every student in the school and has brought forward the creative passions of many of the students at QEP,” said Launderville.

The 14th Annual Great Place Awards were presented at the school board public meeting Monday, May 25 to “those who contribute to student achievement and well-being, and who are held in high esteem through their demonstration of the Growing with Character core values.”

They are the highest recognition within school board and honour  outstanding contributions by students, employees, parents and guardians, and community partners.

The 2015 Great Place Award recipients are:
·         Kirsten Babb, Teacher, Moira Secondary School
·         Kelly Briggs, Community Partner, Military Family Resource Centre
·         Lee Ann Clark, Educational Assistant, Trenton High School
·         Jim Doyle, Teacher, Moira Secondary School
·         Kim Foley, Educational Assistant, Madoc Township Public School
·         Monika Gajdosik, Teacher, Queen Elizabeth School (Picton)
·         Brad Hendrick, Repair Technologist, Education Centre
·         Jackie Howat, Volunteer, Madoc Public School
·         Sheila Vincent, Volunteer, Tweed Elementary School
·         Liz Watson, Teacher, Stirling Public School

“All the nominations told wonderful stories about the person being nominated and how he or she has contributed to student achievement and well-being. The committee had a challenging task to review each one, then through discussion, determine which would become finalists,” said Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer and committee chair.

A thank you was extended to the Great Place Awards Committee for their  review of the nominations:
·         Cameron Barry, Student Trustee, Centre Hastings Secondary School
·         Jennifer Cobb, Trustee
·         Paul Covert, Parent Involvement Committee Representative
·         Geoff Cudmore, The HPE Learning Foundation
·         Bonnie Danes, Trustee
·         Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer & Committee Chair
·         Lee-Anne Kerr, Parent Involvement Committee Chair
·         Shelley Mackenzie-Coates, Principal, Centre Hastings Secondary School
·         Alyssa Mifflin, Student Trustee, Centennial Secondary School
·         Karen Morrow, Teacher, Bayside Secondary School
·         Steven Payne, Systems Analyst
·         Shelley Steele, Safe Schools Supervisor
·         Wendy Sutherland, Safe Schools Child & Youth Counsellor
·         Susan Sweet, The HPE Learning Foundation

Filed Under: cheersHastings & Prince Edward District School BoardLocal News

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