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QHC is Picton hospital’s Grim Reaper

Yet  again  “ the  Grim  Reaper “  rears  its  ugly  head!

There  are  many  in  the  County  much  better  qualified   than  I  am  to  understand   why  an  organization  such  as  PECMH   apparently  finds  itself   cast  again  in  the  role  of  a  cost  and  service  reducing  target,  at  the  whim  of  a  larger,  and  dare  I  say  it,  perhaps  less  efficient  and  self-serving “Big  Brother“.

Each  time  Belleville  gets  involved,  it  costs  us  beds  and  services  that  we  are  more  than  able  to  provide  without  outside  interference!

I  can  only  comment  on  my  personal  observations  as  a  25- year  County  resident. Our  hospital  has  always  served  our  community  well;  providing  professional, personalized  care second  to  none,  while  exhibiting  admirable fiscal  responsibility .

Indeed,  many   residents  moved here  partly  because  of  PECMH’s  proximity.   I  am  certain  that  most of  my  fellow  residents  over  the  years could  speak  of  how  they have  been  comforted by our  hospital availability  when  needed!  If  residents  have to go to Belleville for  medical requirements, or  to visit loved ones, it could be as much as a  two-hour round trip, or an expensive taxi ride!

It is worth pointing out that our community has raised hundreds  of  thousands  of  dollars  by  providing  free-of-charge  fund-raising  events  such  as The  Second  Time  Around Hospital  Auxilliary Shop, whilst  local  businesses  and  residents  have  provided  large  sums  of  money  enabling  the  purchase  of  much-needed  modern  equipment. My wife,  Rebecca  has  herself  been  part  of  the  Second  Time Around  Shop  for  over  20  years,  having  put  in,  and  still  actively  adding  to,  in  excess  of  7,000  unpaid   hours !

What  can  be  done?  I  am  sure  that  the  necessary  expertise  exists  within  the  County  to  advocate  and  promote a better  alternative?
May all who faithfully and caringly attend to our medical needs  in the County be blessed.

Allan  Mackellar,  Picton,

Filed Under: Letters and Opinion

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