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Ready for something completely different?

Performance poet Ryan Bradshaw and Andrew Binks at Poetry Live!

The County of Prince Edward Public Library & Archives presents an evening of poetry with two special guests on Friday, January 20 at 7 p.m. at the Picton branch library.

Ryan Bradshaw is a published writer of short fiction, non-fiction and poetry currently based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. As a performance poet, he is most commonly known as Conrad Fusion, a boylesque personality for Saskatoon’s Rosebud Burlesque Club. He has also  appeared at the Comedy Club in Toronto and the Vancouver International Burlesque Festival where he performed his unique blend of comedic and thoughtful rhyming poetry. Other works include speculative fiction and erotica published in various queer anthologies by publishers Cleis Press, STARbooks Press, and QueeredFiction. An early self-published booklet of local interest, titled “The Monster of Quinte’s Bay”, incorporates non-fiction and poetry.  Bradshaw also writes, designs and distributes a line of romantic greeting cards called Corby Cards Currently, he is working on his first novella and developing a one-man stage production.
Published author and poet Andrew Binks will also be reading his poetry at the library event. Binks is a graduate of the University of British Columbia’s Master of Fine Arts program in Creative Writing. In 2007, he returned to Ontario after fifteen years on Canada’s west coast because he “missed the heat, the snow and the tempests.” He currently lives in Prince Edward County.

Binks’s work has been published in, Galleon, Fugue, Prism International, Harrington Gay Men’s Literary Quarterly (U.S.), Bent-magazine, The Globe and Mail, Xtra and Xtra West, among others. He received an honourable mention in the Writer’s Union of Canada’s short prose contest, and was a finalist in both the Queen’s Alumni Review poetry contest and This Magazine’s Great Canadian Literary Hunt. Additionally, his poetry has appeared in Quill’s ‘Lust’ issue and Velvet Avalanche Anthology. Two of his plays received public workshops in Vancouver and Toronto in 2010.

Nightwood Editions published Binks’s first novel, The Summer Between, in May 2009. The second chapter from his as-yet-unpublished novel, The Catalytic Seduction of Brian White, was published in the Harvard Square Editions anthology, Voice From The Planet. This past summer, he was a contributing writer to The Festival Players “Sounding Ground” audio plays.

David Sweet, of Books & Company, is the guest host for the evening at the library.

Please note that this event will present adult material.

Click here for more information.



Volunteers needed to work in the book sale at the Armoury Mall. If you have a little bit of time each week to spare, please give us a call 613-476-5962 or email


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