Confirmed outbreak at Wellington Legion – four cases confirmed
Administrator | Dec 21, 2020 | Comments 0
UPDATE: Correction from HPEPH: As we continue to conduct investigations related to recent positive cases, it has become evident that four of the cases currently active in HPEC are directly related to the outbreak at the Wellington Legion. Yesterday’s media release has been updated to reflect this correction, and any subsequent changes to the number of cases related to this outbreak will be reflected on the HPEPH Dashboard.
UPDATE: A COVID-19 outbreak has been declared at the Wellington Legion.
Dr. Piotr Oglaza, Medical Officer of Health and CEO at Hastings Prince Edward Public Health (HPEPH) declared the outbreak Monday night as HPEPH has confirmed five cases of COVID-19 connected to the site.
Anyone who attended the Wellington Legion between Nov. 30 and Dec. 18 and has not been in contact with HPEPH is considered to have potential high-risk exposure.
DEC. 19: Recent attendees at the Wellington Legion are being advised to seek COVID-19 testing, self-isolate and wait for direction from public health.
Hastings Prince Edward Public Health (HPEPH) has confirmed two cases of COVID-19 at the Wellington Legion. While HPEPH is in the process of completing a thorough investigation, at this time all individuals who attended the Legion between Nov. 30 – Dec. 18 are currently considered to have potential high-risk exposure.
Individuals who attended the legion on these dates and are required to: self-isolate immediately, seek testing as soon as possible, and await further direction from public health.
Any individual who visited the Legion on these dates, who has not received a call from HPEPH by end of day on Sunday, Dec. 20, is asked to contact HPEPH at 613-966-5500 or complete our online form for a risk assessment and to determine isolation dates.
While the risk of transmission through food or other objects is relatively low, individuals who received food or packages from the Legion on the abovementioned dates are also advised to monitor for symptoms of COVID-19.
These individuals are considered low-risk contacts at the current time and are not required to isolate unless they are otherwise instructed to do so by HPEPH.
Any low-risk contacts who develop symptoms are advised isolate immediately, book an appointment at an assessment centre and get tested.
“The team at HPEPH is working diligently to identify and notify individuals who are known to have been at the facility on these dates,” says Dr. Oglaza. “As we work through the case investigation and contact tracing process, we ask for cooperation of impacted individuals to isolate immediately and seek testing in order to prevent further local transmission of COVID-19.”
Dr. Piotr Oglaza, Medical Officer of Health and CEO at HPEPH is also advising clients who attended Peterson Orthodontics in Belleville on Dec. 14, 15, or 16 that they may have had low-risk exposure to COVID-19.
An individual who was at the clinic during these dates has tested positive for COVID-19. While the clinic has a screening process and infection control procedures in place, out of an abundance of caution, HPEPH is considering all individuals who attended the clinic on these dates to have a low-risk exposure to the virus. HPEPH requires anyone who has visited Peterson Orthodontics between December 14 – 16 to self-monitor and to get tested for COVID-19 if symptoms develop. Clients who visited the clinic on the abovementioned dates are encouraged to review the attached letter for more information.
While HPEPH does not typically disclose the location of COVID-19 cases in order to protect individuals’ privacy, this information is disclosed when needed in order to meet public health objectives such as prompt notification of potential contacts and reducing the risk of further transmission. Peterson Orthodontics is cooperating fully with the HPEPH and is working together with HPEPH to ensure all clients are notified as promptly as possible. Peterson Orthodontics has also voluntarily closed the clinic until the new year.
All residents are reminded that no one is immune to the virus and some individuals may be exposed despite their best efforts. Be kind to one another as we work together to stop the spread of this virus.
HPEPH recommends to reduce your risk and the risk to those you care about:
– stay home when you are sick, even with mild symptoms;
– always physical distance from those outside your household;
– wear a mask when physical distancing is difficult or not possible;
wash your hands often and clean frequently touched surfaces;
– monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 and seek testing if symptoms develop.
To learn more about COVID-19, how you can protect yourself and what to do if you suspect you may be at risk, please visit or Ontario’s website.
Filed Under: Local News
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