Recipients cheer receiving $240,000 value in community grants
Administrator | Jun 11, 2023 | Comments 0
Some 39 local organizations received funding and in-kind support through this year’s Municipal Community Grant Program.
“Recipients work hard to create meaningful events, programs and projects for the enjoyment and betterment of the community as a whole, ” said Mayor Steve Ferguson. “I am encouraged to see the variety of programs that were funded in 2023 and look forward to seeing the results in the community.”
The Municipal Community Grant Program supports not-for-profit and community-based organizations to implement activities and initiatives in areas such as arts, culture, heritage, recreation, environment, health and human services. It has two streams: Grants under $5,000 and Grants over $5,000. The County Foundation administers the program on behalf of the municipality.
“The Municipal Community Grant Program is an important program for our community, supporting services and programs that enrich County lives in broad areas such as health, the arts, youth and recreation,” says Dominique Jones, Executive Director of The County Foundation. “Facing several difficult decisions, the adjudication committee that reviews the applications focused on community impact, financial need, inclusivity and geographic equity. We look forward to seeing the impact of these projects.”
There were 48 applications received this year, representing $414,617 in cash and in-kind requests. Of those, one was not eligible; nine were not funded, 15 were fully funded and 24 partially funded.
In the end, $240,248.90 in grants were awarded to 39 applications.
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