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Rein in reckless Green spending and concentrate on the economy

Industrial Wind Turbines have no place on the south shore of Prince Edward County.

Designated as an Important Bird Area and zoned agricultural and environmentally protected, this area must be preserved as it is.

The provincial government must not be allowed to bypass the local municipal zoning rules. The people of Prince Edward County must have a say in this wasteful development  of unneeded costly energy production.

The pros and cons for wind and solar energy will be argued forever, however   the economics of wind and solar energy show that we cannot afford to pay other provinces and states to take our surplus energy and continue to pay solar and wind producers such high prices. The only people who will benefit are the wind developers and solar developers who have been guaranteed high profits for at least 20 years.  These high prices must be paid for by the end users and that ……is us, folks.

The provincial Auditor General has stated that the present provincial  government’s energy policies are wasteful and ill conceived and will result in the price of hydro skyrocketing to unaffordable highs.  Why will the provincial government not listen to their own auditor and pull back on development?

This so called “Green Energy” is anything but, when you consider the energy used to build wind turbines and solar panels and the burden on everyone who uses hydro.  Meanwhile the Federal Government is looking for foreign markets to sell Alberta Tar-sands oil at discount prices.

Monies wasted on developing and producing this excess expensive “Green Energy”, could be better spent on healthcare and education.

It is time the Government of Ontario to rein in this reckless spending and concentrate on the economy.

Jim & Marilyn Ives,

Filed Under: Letters and Opinion

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