Release, Restore, Rebalance at Heartwood Healing Arts
Administrator | Dec 27, 2024 | Comments 0
You are not alone. Life has its challenges, and wherever you are on your path, Heartwood Healing Arts can help you. Together we can discover what works to support you, find answers to your questions, and guide you into better relationship with what’s happening in your life.
Heartwood is also in the midst of a vibrant, connected community, so if you need to encounter interesting people doing interesting things, that can be arranged too.
Treatments available by appointment:
Using a map that is thousands of years old, acupressure can help you find your way home to yourself. Chi is the vital force that permeates and forms everything in the universe, including you.
Some say the fragrance of a plant is its spirit. Aromatherapy is a powerful form of plant medicine that uses the concentrated essence of botanicals to guide you to a place of feeling better. It is as delightful to the senses as it is beneficial to the body, mind and spirit.
Breath Body Practice
Make friends with your body. Showing up on the mat is the first step. Taking what you practice on the mat into your everyday life is the next. Whether it is yoga, qigong or meditation, any somatic exercise that connects body, breath, movement and intention is offering you the chance to swim in an ocean of potential healing.
Who doesn’t want to be able to see around corners? Using the language of dreams, mythology and story telling, tarot cards are a way to uncover what we already feel to be true. Reading the cards can assign purpose and meaning to facets of your life and illuminate the secret yearnings of your heart.
Self Care
Learn to support yourself while managing any acute or chronic condition with customized self-care routines that are easy to incorporate into your daily life. This package includes a 30 minute consultation, a 60 minute guided self-care session, and written instructions to help you remember what to do.
Heartwood Healing Arts
Cherry Valley
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