ROC takes lead for Jumpstart Program
Administrator | Mar 03, 2016 | Comments 1
Following a decade of the County serving as a partner with the Canadian Tire Jumpstart Program to provide activities for children in financial need, the Recreation Outreach Centre has taken on the duties as of March 1. Jumpstart has supported 1,287 county children with $128,000. To apply for Jumpstart funds for children aged 4-18, call 1-844-YES-PLAY, or visit the website online, the ROC office in the Edward Building. Above, the ROC’s Darlene Thompson and Lesley Lavender flank Wendy Lane, the County’s Community Development Director, at the handing over the the Jumpstart banner.
Filed Under: cheers • Featured Articles • Sports & Recreation
About the Author:
A wonderful development and partnership.
Congratulations to Wendy and others who helped make this possible for The County.
Our community is the better for it.