Royal Hotel commits $20,000 to community radio
Administrator | Feb 03, 2014 | Comments 3
Picton’s Royal Hotel has aired a financial commitment of $20,000 toward 99.3 County FM radio’s start-up costs.
The landmark Royal Hotel was purchased last fall by part-time County resident Greg Sorbara. His vision is to preserve the building and to rebuild the hotel to make it a focal point for the County and downtown Picton.
“I see our contribution to 99.3 County FM as another way to support the community and to connect the community with the County’s rich past,” said Sorbara in a statement. He and his family are well-established landowners, developers and builders in the Greater Toronto Area for more than 50 years, but he has said the Royal is a personal project.
99.3 County FM is a not-for-profit organization set up to fund and operate a community radio station in the County. The Corporation is supported by close to 300 people in Prince Edward County who have joined as members. The CRTC approved the station’s license to operate in January 2014 and the station expects to be on the air by the end of 2014.
Sorbara is undertaking restoration of the Royal Hotel to create a boutique hotel appealing to tourists and County residents alike.
Sorbara has heard from and welcomed input from County residents on what they envision. “It’s amazing the number of ideas that have come forward. I have been delighted with the community’s response.”
Under the 99.3 County FM sponsorship program, local businesses will receive recognition in the form of on-air sponsorship messages similar to those heard on PBS in the US.
“The Royal Hotel’s contribution comes at an ideal time” said Treat Hull, Chair of the Board of 99.3 County FM. “This is an important vote of confidence from the Royal Hotel. It confirms our belief that local businesses can both support a good cause and get real business benefits by sponsoring the station.”
Filed Under: Local News
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It is honourable Mr. Sorbara supports 99.3 County FM with his generous $20,000 contribution. In return, The Royal Hotel will receive deserved sponsorship recognition.
I do not know Mr. Sorbara’s personal views regarding environmental and health issues, however as a former high-ranking Liberal MP, I do not think he will venture any statements against or provide financial support to organizations fighting wind turbine development in our County.
This is indeed a generous gift.
I hope that Mr. Sorbara has taken my previous suggestion to heart, (and thus taken steps to protect his investment in the Royal) by calling Energy Minister Bob Chiarelli and urging him to kill the two IWT projects threatening the County.
It was a wonderful day when Mr. Sorbara discovered PEC, we should all be forever grateful to this guardian angel!! Thank you, thank you Sir