Sanitary main repair on Ross Street continues through Friday
Administrator | Dec 17, 2019 | Comments 0
UPDATE: Ross Street between King Street and Market Lane in Picton will remain closed through Friday, December 20.
Wastewater services will be performing two separate digs Wednesday, Dec. 18 to repair the sanitary main on Ross Street in Picton.
The work is expected to take place between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. at 5 Ross Street by the old fire hall and at 2 Ross Street near the Picton Main Street intersection.
Due to the narrowness of Ross Street, both sections of road will be closed independently while the digs are taking place.
Crews will start at 5 Ross Street. The road will be closed to traffic from the intersection of Ross Street and King Street to the intersection of Ross Street and Market Lane.
Users of the parking lot can exit onto Paul Street at the east end or onto King Street at the west end of the parking lot but must use the east side of the fire hall.
Once 5 Ross Street is repaired crews will move to 2 Ross Street. The road will be closed to traffic between Picton Main Street and just south of Market Lane. All traffic will be diverted around the area as it is narrow in this location between the buildings.
For more information, contact the County of Prince Edward at 613.476.2148 extension 1023, 613.962.9108 extension 1023, or
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