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Score the impact of wind projects on the County

The County’s Gary Mooney, a consulting actuary, has developed a one page scoring system for Prince Edward County residents to evaluate for themselves, the impacts of large-scale wind energy development on the long-term sustainability of the community.

“The scoring system reflects the criteria and controls imposed by Ontario’s Green Energy Act,” Mooney says. “While it has been developed for use in Prince Edward County, it is equally applicable for use in other Ontario communities.

“Sustainability, as applied here, requires consideration of four major areas of impact: economic, social, environmental and cultural.  Within each area, I have listed possible factors — both positive and negative – affecting community sustainability over the longer term.

Mooney notes he has attempted to be objective with respect to the factors included.

“While there are more negative factors than positive, these are the factors that I was able to identify and validate for inclusion.  I have not included factors that apply outside the local community – e.g. new jobs elsewhere – because this scoring system is intended to focus on a particular community’s sustainability.”

He hopes participants will score the positives and negatives, then add comments on the CCSAGE site.

“The idea is for you to assign a score to each positive and each negative factor, with possible scores being 0 = invalid / not relevant / not applicable, 1 = low significance, 3 = medium significance and 5 = high significance to you.  It is preferable that you be knowledgeable about each factor, but if not, at least your impression is reflected.

“Participation will be most useful if people make an honest effort to score each factor relative to all factors and to give careful consideration to both positive and negative factors, regardless of your prior position on wind turbines.

“In general, there should be more scores at lower values than at higher values, because an objective person will likely regard many factors as being less significant, and only a few factors as being highly significant.  For this reason, the scoring system specifies maximums for the number of medium and high scores, respectively.”

He also notes he will consider the addition of other factors not previously identified that fit the criteria described above.  Email if you have suggestions.

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