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Seldom seen Lynx cruising in Cressy

With much debate in social media over whether it’s a lynx or a bobcat being spotted over the past few weeks, these photos taken by Paul Wallace in Cressy are the best look yet at the animal and most agree now that it’s indeed the elusive lynx.

“My neighbours saw the lynx sitting on their front lawn, then it strolled off to the Cressy Church and sat there before proceeding west to our property,” said Wallace. “In the past few weeks it has been seen around the Glenora ferry area and Lake of the Mountain.”

Lynx are not easily spotted as they are wary of people. They are often found in areas that have cold, snowy winters and high density of their favorite prey, the snowshoe hare.

An Ontario Parks post from biologist Christine Terwissen, notes lynx are thought to be ‘winter royalty’ and generally live north of Algonquin.

She notes they are identified by their unique ear tufts (much longer than bobcats) and their large furry feet, which act like snowshoes. Their tracks, have a round shape with three lobes on the pad and rarely have claw marks.

Bobcats, says Nature Conservancy of Canada, are generally nocturnal, smaller, with shorter legs and have a black-striped and white-tipped tail, longer than the lynx.



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  1. Angus Ross says:

    This wasn’t the one I watched from 10 feet away for 30 seconds (without a phone or camera!) near Lake on the Mountain. The one I saw had clearly defined roundels on its body. Do we have 2 in The County?

  2. SS says:

    In South Marysburgh we saw a few paw prints that I was sure was a lynx / bobcat of about this size, last winter and the winter before. Research said that it was unlikely in this area, but the image was a perfect match. Maybe it was this guy.

    Regardless, fantastic pics and well spotted and photo’d, Paul! Beautiful cat.

  3. Emily says:

    I’m pretty sure we’re seeing this creature displaced from its home. all the construction and farmland being torn up… we’re ruining their homes to build

  4. L. Cook says:

    beautiful photos. Hopefully it is left alone, with all of the habitat being destroyed in County might see more animals wandering around.

  5. Paul D Cole says:

    Nature sure is beautiful, what an awesome animal great photo’s…

  6. P. Clasby says:

    Congratulations to Mr. Wallace. Such great photos.

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