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Services for County seniors expanding as restrictions ease

With the easing of restrictions in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Prince Edward Community Care has reactivated the Home Maintenance program for grass cutting and garden work.

Plans are under way to reopen Community Care’s Thrift Shop in the safest way possible for the protection of volunteers, customers and donors.

Safety upgrades are being put in place and a point of sale system is on the way to allow customers to pay in ways other than cash. Target date for opening is the afternoon of May 25. For now, the shop is not taking donations of items until processes are in place.

Debbie MacDonald Moynes, executive director notes many programs have operated successfully over the changes due to the pandemic.

During the month of April, 25 volunteers made reassurance calls to 1,943 local seniors.

“A total of 3,769 calls were placed in April by this team of caring volunteers. These calls are to check in with seniors and to have a pleasant chat,” she said. “The volunteers benefit from the conversations almost as much as the people they call.”

To be added to the call list seniors simply contact the Community Care office at 613-476-7493.

MacDonald Moynes said the recent expansion of hot Meals on Wheels delivery to seniors living anywhere in Prince Edward County has resulted in an increase in requests. The agency reports that due to the commitment of volunteers there is still more capacity to deliver these hot meals which go out Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Again, physical distancing is practiced in the delivery.

Free delivery of groceries, medicines and other essentials will continue to be available over the long term. Assistance to place a grocery order by email or online is also available.

Income tax volunteers are hard at work to meet the June 1 deadline to submit tax returns. To find out if they are eligible for this free service seniors are asked to call the office at 613-476-7493 and leave a detailed message. Calls are returned regularly.

“We are receiving calls on a daily basis from seniors looking for their next Foot Care Clinic appointment.” This is one of the services that is on hold until further notice during the pandemic.

“We are planning for the day we can start again. When that word comes we will then call all clients to schedule appointments.”

Updates to services are posted to the Community Care Facebook Page at and; on the website at . Call 613-476-7493 or email

Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else

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