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Short-term accommodation regulations approved

The County of Prince Edward adopted regulations guiding the location and operation of short-term accommodations (STAs) within the municipality during council’s meeting at Shire Hall Oct. 9.

“With these regulations, we aim to strike a balance between the interests of our communities and neighbourhoods, housing affordability, and economic growth,” said Mayor Robert Quaiff. “As we move forward with implementation, we will review the regulations regularly and make any necessary updates to ensure we achieve this goal.”

The regulations include amendments to the Official Plan and the Comprehensive Zoning By-law.

In addition, staff will bring forward during the first quarter of 2019 a licensing by-law to address operating standards, licence transferability, administration, enforcement, and fines.

The regulations approved by Council on Oct. 9 mark the culmination of more than a year of research and public consultation. That activity included several public meetings, surveys, agency interviews, discussion papers, and a review of best practices across different jurisdictions. Documents related to this work can be found on the municipal project webpage.

“Public comments and background research reinforced council’s concerns regarding the adverse impact STAs are having in areas such as availability and affordability of housing,” said Quaiff. “The regulatory framework gives the municipality a tool to slow those impacts while also ensuring STAs can continue to contribute to our local economy.”

The Official Plan amendment  and Comprehensive Zoning By-law amendment  are posted on the County of Prince Edward website.

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