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Sold-out evening supports County’s feathered friends

Dr. Stephen Lougheed with students at the Queen’s Biological Station.

A sold-out evening of fine food, music and feathered friends highlighted the 18th annual Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory fall fundraising dinner Saturday.

Queen’s University’s Dr. Stephen C. Lougheed shared his photographs and experiences, while speaking about the “power of birds in nature to inspire students to a deeper understanding of evolution, ecology, and the profound impacts humans are having on global diversity.”

“He wowed the crowed at the dinner,” said PEPtBO’s Cheryl Anderson.

Dr. Lougheed is Professor, Biology and Environmental Studies, Baillie Family Chair in Conservation Biology, and Director of Queen’s University Biological Station.

A geneticist by formal training, Dr. Lougheed holds degrees in molecular biology and evolutionary genetics. Despite the intensive lab focus of his research, his real passion over many decades has been nature and teaching field biology.

“The Queen’s University Biological Station (QUBS), where I have taught for 25 years and been director for eight years, is a wonderful platform for immersing students in natural history,” said Lougheed. “I have been privileged to have taught over 50 university field courses, about half at QUBS, and the remaining ones spanning East Africa (eight times), Middle America (10 times), Argentina and Chile (four times), and China (seven times).

“In all of these, regardless of theme or region, I use birds as a touchstone for exploring biogeography, adaptation, speciation, the current biodiversity crisis, and the dire need for conservation action.”

The fundraiser, this year was held at The View Restaurant at the Picton Golf Club, and featured dinner, music by Rita di Ghent, and chances to win big and small and Lougheed’s presentation.

A highlight of the evening was the drawing of the winning ticket for the Young Banders’ Fund lottery.

Gabrielle Holowacz was the winner of the $5,000 prize. While pleased Gabrielle was heard to exclaim – “I’m shocked, just shocked” . Hers was the second lottery ticket sold.

The lottery supports stipends and some travelling expenses for the young people that come from all over Canada and Europe to learn about the County’s Canadian migratory birds and the monitoring done at Prince Edward Point.

Funds raised at the dinner support PEPtBO’s migration monitoring and reporting activities, aligned with its caretaker role in the South Shore Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA).

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