Stache for Cash a hairy fundraiser for men’s health
Administrator | Nov 14, 2012 | Comments 0
Members of the Prince Edward Yacht Club launched a ‘Stache for Cash’ challenge – a month-long effort to raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society recognizing prostate cancer and men’s health awareness.
Five participants agreed to undergo a clean shave and vowed not to wield a razor for the entire month of November.
Initial participants comprised Bobby Peat, who hasn’t been without a moustache since 1969, Rob Giberson, who has worn a moustache for the past 42 years, and Gerry den Hartog, vice-commodore of PEYC, who surprised the crowd by agreeing not only to shave off his moustache of 31 years but who told our guest barber to shave off his full beard as well. Marty Martel, who hasn’t worn a moustache for over 30 years, agreed to put the razor away for the month and will re-grow a Fu Manchu. Joining them is Muren Pickering who will also not shave for the month. All are collecting pledges for the cause.
Before the evening ended, three more members of Prince Edward Yacht Club stepped into the barber’s chair to support the cause. Brian Skuffham, PEYC’s treasurer, had both his moustache and beard removed; Dave Vanson had his moustache shaved and, last but not least, Kris Insley who took it all off – having not only his moustache shaved, but his entire head as well by guest barber, Patricia Stenning, co-owner of Glow Hair Designs.
All will gather again at Prince Edward Yacht Club on the evening of Nov. 30 to witness how well and how fast the volunteers’ regrowth has progressed, and to announce the results of the funds raised during the process.
Filed Under: Local News
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